retrodude's Forum Posts

  • I have alot of questions about the new multi-player features and was wondering if some people could answer them.

    1. Isn't there a fee required to keep a general server up and running? So would c2 users pay to use the signalling servers? Or is the expense at the hand of the host's general bandwidth bill since the peers are connecting to the host, so the host pays for the consumed bandwidth? If you have unlimited bandwidth then this isn't really a problem for most hosts.

    2. If there is a fee for multi-player outside of the original licensing then I'm assuming there will be a monthly subscription for C2 users who are using dedicated scirra servers? I think it was mentioned awhile back. But it was mentioned in the guide that it was peer to peer connection that uses a signalling server, so does that mean there won't be a fee since its peer to peer and one of the peers is assigned as a host?

    3. If there is a fee would this be for only large scale games that required 30+ players? Or for all multi-player games, even the small ones for 2-4 players? Or is there no cost since peers are just connecting to a host?

    Can we get more insight on this? As in how pricing models would work and such if there is one? Maybe even estimated costs? I'm fairly new to multi-player in general so these are the questions I'd liked to be answered.

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  • sqiddster

    "Tell them to fix blinking flash splash screen or allow us to disble them. Also Webrtc support will be great , too."

    "Advanced Web Audio and WebRTC support.

    I find there lack of the better audio api tends to kill my games on mobile."

    +1 for the following two mentioned above.

    ESPECIALLY web audio and webrtc. These are really important for commercial products.

  • Ethan

    I don't remember if I have posted here or not, but I thought I would mention that you have a done an amazing job programming the artistic concepts of your game (such as the enemy health you showed in page 4). I really hope other C2 users come by your page and look over your gif animations, and take note of how to program there own artwork to look more "live". Even a game with great art can be lacking in gameplay when there are no transitional effects. This is something you have to program into your sprite objects to make the game more immersive. (I think that's the word I want to use)

    But anyways, can't wait to see the game when its fully finished and has all its art in place

  • Got it working using a script tag so this thread can die peacefully. I appreciate all the help and suggestions.

  • Aphrodite

    "Sadly I don t know how to do this"

    That's alright, I appreciate the input though. I'm trying to edit the javascript variable through a function in the script tag, hopefully that works.

  • Aphrodite

    I really would prefer the method that you mentioned since it seems to be the most cleanest way of doing what I'm trying to accomplish. But it seems I can't call the function on C2 using the execute javascript(), or I think I'm doing it wrong, which is probably the case if it is possible.

    Here's an image of what I just tried:


    EDIT***** I did put a semicolon in the execute javascript command for the function, I foregot to update image.

    I think this is what the function is doing:

    does a function call to receive two functions, "success and failure" which is linked to two buttons in the sdk ("yes button" and "no button". When yes is clicked it does a call to the success function. The same success function sent to the fgl.inApp.initiateUnlockFunction(). When no is clicked it does a call to the failure function.

    Here's the pseudo:

    fgl.inApp.initiateUnlockFunction(function onSuccess,function onFailure)


    It does work in general but I can't seem to get it working with fgl's function calls. Could be due to my lack of javascript knowledge. Which wasn't that great to begin with.

    Here's an image of what I just tried:


    Is it not working because it can't find this.premium? since it was executing from fgl's sdk? I could post the error I get from google chrome from both examples, if it helps anyone understand the problem.

  • R0J0hound

    Much appreciated Rojo, this is what I was looking for. I'm gonna try it later this week.

  • Yann

    I appreciate the input Yann, it was in-depth. The reason I didn't want to make a plugin was mainly because I had all the other features in the sdk working without a plugin, so making a plugin just to run that one function is kinda over the top. I know other c2 users have started to make their own fgl plugin for the sdk (there's about 3 by now ) but it seems none of them have this properly working yet either.

    I appreciate that you put effort into actually explaining why its more or less not possible this way. I guess the method I was thinking of was rather inefficient. And for optimization issues I think I may avoid executing javascript from the browser object for this function.

    I have read some guides on making plugins and I may just release one, but as of right now I'm a bit busy with my first year of university. If I notice that fgl is unable to make there own and C2 users aren't able to get one working with all features, then I'll eventually make one. But this of course is when I can actually find some spare time.

  • mapmerry

    I really dig the fast pace action in the game , its quite amazing.

    But how are you doing the animations? What tool are you using? There really fluent and they flow well with the game.

  • Twitter is fairly easy when integrate share functions using the browser object. Facebook however is rather a pain in the arse. I honestly can't wait for the facebook options. It used to be so much easier till they removed direct sharing.


    Do you have a release date for you tutorial on udemy? I'' be taking a lesson since there are some things on there that I would like to know as well.

  • I have to agree that the facebook support on cocoonjs is rather depressing since its a great way to advertise your app. I have some friends that play apps and they sometimes share there score on facebook in which others come across it and end up downloading the same app. It would be a nice addon for C2 applications compiled through cocoonjs as it seems to have the best performance so far out of the others like phonegap.

    There needs to be more communication between scirra and ludei.


    I have to agree about the ludei flickering screen. This needs to be fixed. Although I heard its less apparent in stronger devices but even so It needs to be looked into for lower-end devices.

  • Aphrodite

    "It is not but (don't forget the "i")"

    I misspelled it in the forums by accident, I didn't actually misspell it in the C2 editor.

    This is the javascript code I'm trying to imitate using browser execute javascript (not including the comments):



    // The 'FULL VERSION!' text appears:




    // The unlock was canceled, the user didn't pay, or some other

    // failure happened. Let's just refresh the menu to be sure it's up

    // to date:




    Instead of this.updateMenu(), I would do a function call to a function in the C2 editor"q") or change the value of a global variable.

    If I could either one of those things then it would have worked out.

    This is the javascript code with no comments, it might be easier to read:





  • Aphrodite

    Can the execute javascript command use system function expressions from C2? I tried creating a function called "p" which set's the sprite objects opacity to 100 when called. I also created a function called"q" which sets the objects opacity to 0.

    But when I tried doing

    Browser.Execute javascript "fgl.inApp.initiateUnlockFunction(function(){"&"p")&"},function(){""&"q")&"});"

    It doesn't work. I don't even think it can be used this way, can it?

  • jayderyu

    How were you able to get premium to work? That's the one feature I'm unable to get running for the fgl sdk. Did you use the execute javascript command? If so could you send me maybe a screenshot or just explain how you got it working either through here or pm?

    I have the function being called to open the menu but I'm unable to unlock the feature during gameplay after pressing a button. I think I'm missing a function that updates the menu. I wanted to include one in the fgl sdk but were not suppose to edit it.

  • I appreciate the input. But I read that there's some compatibility issues with that command. It doesn't seem to work on all devices. I guess i'll find a workaround then.