I am having trouble understanding the:
{"&premium=1&"} is interrupting the string of the execute javascript I think, as well as {"&premium=2&"} so I am missing totally the purpose of this. What this {"&premium=1&"} and {"&premium=2&"} are supposed to do?
If they are supposed to set the value, then you should do
on function "p": set premium value to 1
on function "q": set premium value to 1
you might want to set return values too, but I don't know exactly so..
Browser.Execute javascript "fgl.inApp.initiateUnlockFunction(function(){"&functon.call("p")&"},function(){""&functon.call("q")&"});"
It is not functon.call but function.call (don't forget the "i"), maybe it was the error
Browser.Execute javascript "fgl.inApp.initiateUnlockFunction(function(){"&function.call("p")&"},function(){""&function.call("q")&"});"
EDIT: I think that won't work, since you are doing the function calls, they'll both be executed :/