retrodude's Forum Posts

  • The plugin and sprite imports work fine for me on pc, I havent tried it on cocoonjs yet. But I am having trouble trying to resize the sprites after putting them in canvas. It seems to be kept at a specific size even when I click add action set size, and set the size to a certain number.

    Does anyone know how to properly set the size of the sprites made from spriter?

  • lucid- im trying but maybe im installing the plugin incorrectly but i get the same error. there is no readme in the zip. where am i putting the contents of that file?

    you copy the plugin to the main construct 2 folder:

    1st. Go to your main construct 2 folder

    2nd. click on exports

    3rd. click on Html

    4th. Click on plugins

    5th. Paste the folder of spriter plugin in here

  • Basically its like a dice roll with the change that the bullet will hit.

    Its not like you can actually see bullets anyways.

    Its true you cant see bullets but I wanted to add a trail effect with the bullet since its a game, and games arent really real <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> and those arent the exact sprites i plan to use for the game.

    But anyways thanks for the idea, but its not quite what I was looking for

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  • Also, I don't recommend bullet type collisions for iso. The angles just don't work out very well.

    A percentage would be a much better way to go imo.

    oh I see, i might change to mouse aim then, but ill continue to see if theres a way to achieve this form of iso shooting. I'll look into the plugins but I don't think they'll help me achieve what im doing.

    Also could you explain what you meant by percentage?

  • I recently started to work with isometrics in construct 2 and I was wondering if theres a way to shoot 4-way in isometrics without using the mouse?

    Such as the character faces a specific way and then you press space bar the bullet shoots at the same angle the player is facing.

    I did try the bullet set angle of motion but im not quite sure how to make it work the way I want it to.

    Can someone look over my file and give me a hand with what I'm trying to do?

    The angles are already in the movement. So for example when you press left, character moves left at 212 degrees, but at the same time I want to set the the bullet to move at 212 degrees when fired.

    I guess the peseudo code would look like this:

    -when left key is clicked

    -set angle of bullet 212 degrees

    -when space bar is click, bullet moves at 212 degrees

    Here's a link to the folder of my file:

    I'm not quite sure how to upload a capx file, but if someone could share that info with me then I could change the link if it makes it easier for people to look at

  • I tend to use an easing effect rather than use two separate events..

    Event 1

    1st condition-> player presses left,

    2nd condition-> if background angle =or <= 180 degrees

    3rd condition-> every tick

    Action-> rotate Isometric background towards required angle 1 degree

    Event 2

    1st condition-> player presses left,

    2nd condition-> if background angle >= 180 degrees

    3rd condition-> every tick

    Action-> rotate toward 180 1 degree..

    and of course repeat for the right side.

    It can also have an eased snap back to original position by removing the player presses key condition and setting the rotate towards angle to the original..

    by using rotate rather than lock its a softer feel and uses the less than or equal to functions..but it sound like you are only rotating the screen as a fake isometric could always make a few version of the background art at various angles to get a more realistic view

    Thanks alot, ill definetly try this out

  • I was wondering if anyone knew a way to rotate a isometric background when the player moves?

    I have tried to set the background to the rotate behaviour that when player moves left, background rotates clockwise, and when player moves right, background rotates counterclockwise.

    But once again I dont want the background to exceed a certain angle (as in I dont want my isometric background to rotate past a certain degree).

    The pseudo code would look something like this:

    If player moves left, then rotate Isometric background clockwise 1 degree

    if background angle = 180 degrees then lock background angle

    If player moves right, then rotate Isometric background counterclockwise 1 degree

    if backround angle = 180 then lock background angle

    By lock I mean the background stops rotating past 180 degrees and wont go above that.

    I want to use a "half-rotation" effect to kinda simulate 2.5D on a isometric game, but am having some trouble thinking this through. Is there a way to save the angle of the background to a global variable, so that I can compare the angle to the value in a variable?

    I was also wondering if anyone had any concept ideas, calculations, Capx files or algorithm that they would be willing to share?

    Any help would be appreciated

  • I'v tryed to make a splattering blood effect in which once the bullet collides with the enemy the blood splatters around the enemy landing on objects in the map. I have seen some examples on the forums where it has been done but i'm not quite sure how they did it. For my game I want it to be top view and a bit gorey.

    I want an effect similar to boxhead, but with blood splattering across the map after a zombie dies. Heres a video if you don't know what it is:

    I want the splattering effect to look like something similar to this:

    Here's what i'v tryed so far using someone else's capx file to atleast try and imitate the a blood effect but ofcourse it didnt work. I was wondering if anyone could edit the capx file and make the blood from the tank splatter around the map.

    Try to ignore the tank and the awkward missle.. I'm well aware tanks don't bleed

    Link to the capx file:

  • I think iv got it now dude, thanks alot <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Spawn a sprite on the ground that looks like a blood stain?

    man i can't believe i didnt consider that... now i feel really stupid lol..

    But do you know any way to make a blood splatter effect? so when you shoot the enemy the blood kinda splatters in the range of the enemy?

  • Hey guys I was wondering if there was a proper way to make blood stain effects like the effects in super meat boy where the blood splatters?

    I'm making a top view shooter game and I was wondering how I would attempt this. I tryed using the particle effects but it didn't look that great and kept spraying the same particles over and over.

    I basically tryed this:

    When bullet collisions with enemy, spawn blood particles. But once again it continues to spray unless i use an action that destroys the particle after 4 seconds.

    However I want a blood splatter affect that leaves blood stains on the ground for forever, or atleast for 30 seconds.

    Is there a better way to get the blood effects with blood stains lying on the ground?

    Any help is appreciated

  • I made 2 origin image points (in this case 4 and 5) and used the following code.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The gunFireRate is just used to slow down the rate of fire.

    gunSpawn is a global variable

    Thanks for the kind words.


    Thanks alot man! I appreciate the help

  • OH! I can't believe I didn't notice that.. Thanks for the reply, i'm still new to construct 2, and appreciate your help. The plugin works like a charm now <img src="smileys/smiley12.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • It works amazing well! But when I tryed to create a similar camera zoom effect like your example but with a hud menu, the camera zooms everything including the hud menu layer making the hud appear off screen.

    Is there any way to zoom into sprites without making the hud apear off screen?

  • Man, nice job with the game, looks awesome! And how did you do the machine gun effect? where you have 1 bullet shoot after the other one in a different part of the object? I'm trying to make a platformer with jump and gun gameplay and i want my bullets to fire like this

    Could you maybe explain it? or maybe provide a small capx?