Resurrected Studio's Forum Posts

    Dear Ashley,

    I hope this message finds you well. I have never written to you before, but now I feel I must share some significant concerns regarding the upcoming changes to the SDK of our game engine. While I understand that you believe these changes are necessary, I want to convey the perspectives of our community, particularly the plugin makers who are greatly affected by this update.

    Many plugin makers have expressed frustration because the new SDK limits their access to the game engine runtime, making it increasingly difficult to create and maintain plugins. This change not only renders existing plugins obsolete but also makes porting them to the new SDK extremely challenging and time-consuming.

    What truly makes Construct 3 exceptional is its vibrant and dedicated community. Our community members spend countless hours helping new users, answering questions, and providing guidance on forums and Discord. They help newcomers, even if they stay for just a school term, overcome complex systems and create new game mechanics. This spirit of collaboration and support is what sets our engine apart.

    However, the very people who contribute the most – our talented plugin makers – are the ones most affected by this SDK change. If we lose these invaluable members, we face a much larger problem than just adapting to a new SDK. We risk losing the support system that makes our engine accessible and enjoyable for everyone. The departure of a legend like Rex Rainbow already had a significant impact, and we cannot afford to lose more of these key contributors. If they leave, who will answer all the questions, especially those from beginners that require a lot of patience and guidance? You?

    The strength of a game engine lies not just in its features but in the support and knowledge shared by its community. We've seen the impact of this with Unity, where the departure of Brackeys was felt by many, and with Godot, which has thrived partly due to strong community support.

    I urge you to consider a solution that addresses the concerns of our plugin makers, ensuring they remain engaged and continue to contribute to our community. Their expertise and willingness to help are irreplaceable assets. Losing them could severely impact the support system that so many users rely on.

    Thank you for taking the time to read my concerns. I hope we can find a way to keep our community strong and thriving.

    Best regards,

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    If you want to play it yourself you can play it here

    Please let me know if you think this game i made for the brackys gamejam 2023.2 is good enough to turn into a full game.

  • Thank you dop2000 Adding a new folder moving Touch plugin Worked!

    I will try the button "lock".

  • I have a tilebackground "Panel" with drag drop and a bullet behaviour.

    The bullet behavour speed accelleration is at -400 and speed 0.

    The drag drop is vertical only.

    So the idea of the code is when i scroll up or down the panel keeps moving in the direcion i scrolled to.

    + Panel: On DragDrop drop

    ----+ System: Touch.AngleAt(0) is between 60 and 120 degrees

    -----> Panel: Set Bullet speed to Touch.SpeedAt(0)÷2

    -----> Panel: Set Bullet angle of motion to 90 degrees

    ----+ System: Else

    ----+ System: Touch.AngleAt(0) is between 240 and 300 degrees

    -----> Panel: Set Bullet speed to Touch.SpeedAt(0)÷2

    -----> Panel: Set Bullet angle of motion to -90 degrees

    When i run this it doesn't work in my project. When i make a demo of only this code it works. When i remove the on drop in my game it also works. Can't find the problem does someone have an idea what it could be.

    Also bring me to the next question when i put child buttons on the panel.When i scroll i want the buttons not to be tabbed exedentaly is there a standart way of doing this right?

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  • When you go and work on it sent me a message (I can fix the things you want)

  • You can make a vault left sprite and a vault right sprite .

    Is overlapping sprite left tween to position left - x pixels and the right reversed.

    You can do a check overlap at offset enemy to do a damage vault like in gow or don’t let the player vault.

  • I tried to do this. Now i can add 10,25 or 100 levels and get te cost of all levels.

    * On function 'Function1' → Number

    * Parameter 'StartLevel' (Number)

    * Parameter 'EndLevel' (Number)

    | Local number Total‎ = 0

    ----+ System: For "" from StartLevel to EndLevel

    -----> System: Add floor(5×1.07^LoopIndex) to Total

    ----+ (no conditions)

    -----> Functions: Set return value Total

    + Touch: On touched Buy

    ----+ System: Money-Functions.Function1(Level+1,Level+Multiplier) => 0

    -----> System: Subtract Functions.Function1(Level+1,Level+Multiplier) from Money

    -----> System: Add Multiplier to Level

    -----> TextPixel: Set text to Money

  • Invert the -is overlapping get rid of the else.switch activate and deactivate here.

    Now you activate when jumping in and reset to normal when not overlapping.

  • Think you need trigger one while true with that. or set an extra variable, now it keeps happening.

  • here is a link to download the example

  • Ok i'll try to explain.

    When i buy 10 times X1 is spent 70 total. Is i switch to x10 is says the cost to lvl 11 is 50.

    An other example is i buy 25 times 1X the total cost is 327 is i switch to 25 times it is 125 (i cant get the logic to fix it).

    So the outcome of 70 and 327 are good.

    I want buttons to make it easy for the player to buy more in one go but with the same increment.

  • If I just multi by 10 it doesn’t do all the 1.07 ^level every level. So it’s cheaper to buy 10x then 10 times 1x.

    I am missing some logic in math.

  • Ok let me explain i a incremental game that when i press a button it does the folowing.

    set current price to -floor(base price * (level ^ 1.o7))

    -Add 1 to level

    Now i want to make buttons to do it 10x, 25x and 100x if i do just *100 for example i get the wrong value ofcourse . I just can't wrap my head around the good thing to do here.

    Also i need the to check if you have enough money to buy it so if

    -current money - cost price => 0 you can buy.

    The thing i tried is make a global variable called multiplier.

    Base value 1 when i press the button 10x set it to 10 and so on.

    Then use the multiplier in the code is just tried a lot of thing with the wrong outcome can some please help me in the right direction.