On drop and keep scrolling is not working can't find the problem.

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All popular touch mechanics - scrolling, zooming, swiping
  • I have a tilebackground "Panel" with drag drop and a bullet behaviour.

    The bullet behavour speed accelleration is at -400 and speed 0.

    The drag drop is vertical only.

    So the idea of the code is when i scroll up or down the panel keeps moving in the direcion i scrolled to.

    + Panel: On DragDrop drop

    ----+ System: Touch.AngleAt(0) is between 60 and 120 degrees

    -----> Panel: Set Bullet speed to Touch.SpeedAt(0)÷2

    -----> Panel: Set Bullet angle of motion to 90 degrees

    ----+ System: Else

    ----+ System: Touch.AngleAt(0) is between 240 and 300 degrees

    -----> Panel: Set Bullet speed to Touch.SpeedAt(0)÷2

    -----> Panel: Set Bullet angle of motion to -90 degrees

    When i run this it doesn't work in my project. When i make a demo of only this code it works. When i remove the on drop in my game it also works. Can't find the problem does someone have an idea what it could be.

    Also bring me to the next question when i put child buttons on the panel.When i scroll i want the buttons not to be tabbed exedentaly is there a standart way of doing this right?

  • 1. Might be this bug:


    You can try adding a new folder under Objects and moving either the Touch plugin or the menu sprite to that folder. This will change the order of objects and your menu should start working.

    2. If you want to block buttons while the menu is scrolling, you can add these conditions:

    Touch On Tap on Button
    Menu is NOT dragging
    Menu Bullet is NOT moving
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  • Thank you dop2000 Adding a new folder moving Touch plugin Worked!

    I will try the button "lock".

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