ReallyBasic's Forum Posts

  • Thank you yes. This worked perfectly.

  • I am making a tank game, but I would like to create treads everywhere all of the the tanks move. I also want the treads to be detailed, no just black streaks on the ground. If they were in 8-direction that would be even better.


  • Well, you could probably use the tween behavior and a series of invisible objects. However, in order to do that, you might need someone with a little bit more experience with the tween behavior than me. Sorry I can't help more.

    Also, depending on the type of game you are making, you could make the Eat 'm All template work, if you stored a direction variable and made the player follow that direction until otherwise specified by the player.

    Good luck!

  • Hi, if you are looking at something like pacman, there is a Eat 'm All template that you can use. This template uses a tiled behavior.

    However, I am lost when you say way-point. Could you further evaluate on what you mean?

  • Raycasts work (I think) but I cant get my turrets to shoot at the player if they have line of sight.

    Here is the project:

    All the turret has to do is shoot the 'BulletCollision' if the player intercepts the green lines.


  • Thank you Magistross so much! I was going to use a lot of variables, but this is so much easier.

    I would say it worked, but after copying the code, I restarted C3 to make it run smoother (old computer) and now the game is throwing the error 'invalid function' and won't let me open the project. I also made the mistake of no backup.

    Shouldn't take me too much time to restart my project, but this will definitely be alerted to support.

  • Here is the image of the work in progress.

    As you can see some bouncing issues are fairly noticeable. the light green lines are the actual paths the bullets are supposed to follow, and the light red lines are the lines they actually follow.

    Magistross First, thanks for the reply, and second, yes, I did use the Raycast Reflections to make this game, hence the player.

  • Hi! Thank you for the reply.

    I will probably stay away from physics for now and see if I can calculate the angles by myself. I have no other reason to implement physics in my game (as of now), so it might make things harder.

    I will also add a picture later that shows the difference in trajectories, in case it helps.

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  • Not sure how to stop my bullets from taking really strange angles when they hit corners. They need to act exactly like rays, with infinitely small thickness but still bounce.

    Any suggestions on how to fix this?

  • Do you just want 1 ammo taken away for each of the shotgun rounds? then you would use the repeat block as a sub event, and put the subtract 1 ammo on the actual event.

  • It was definitely a problem with the origin. I kept messing with things until it worked.

    I also tried redoing the bounding box, and it really helped with random collisions I didn't want.

    Thanks for the reply, it really helped!

  • NVM, The walls can stay the same size.

  • Well, quick fix to my own problem I guess...

    I just made the blocks smaller by 1 pixel, and offset the grid by 16.

  • My LOS doesn't seem to be working...

    Anything to the right and bottom of a solid block will not show up.

    As you can see, red blocks are walls, the blue is the player, and anything gray scale are shadow blocks.

    My code:


  • Wow, I had no idea what I was getting into... still is something I want to learn though.

    I did end up learning how to tell if it works; you can open up any of the multiplayer templates and they work if you hit the preview button a couple times.

    I'm going to see if some of the "join room" code will work in my game, after adding the room and a couple variables.

    Thanks for the reply!