Thank you so much
I thought you wouldn't have time so soon and I ended up trying hard to get this problem resolved so I could proceed. I managed to do this last night, but I'll take a look at your file to see if I can optimize my solution. It will definitely be much better than mine.
I'm having a problem finding a solution for another question and I think you can help me (if it's not asking too much)
The exercise has 3 answer options. I would like to make one of them (randomly) receive the value of the right answer signed in a variable (eg: varAnswer=0,3,2,1) and the other two options would have to be randomized to generate other different combinations between them. In the end, I need to know which of the options was signed as right, that is, the one that has the value of the varAnswer variable. Could you give me an idea of how to build this? It can be in pseudocode even if you prefer.
EDITED: I am still talking about the same game, where each answer option consists of 4 numbers. Just to clarify.