RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Thanks.

    I've a doubt about the optimisation. If I change as you said, it can possibly improve the game performance or at least doesn't compromise it? I ask because I didn't know that localstorage was an expensive operation and I've 12 more localstorage items (for each in-app product, for ads control, sound control, etc). So, I believe that I'll have a lot of work to make this changes but If will improve my game, I'll do it. I only need some orientation of how to include all this items in the same array (using its height?) and I'll appreciate an example (a capx is not necessary).

  • Hi blackhornet

    Thanks for all the explanations. I'll remove the unnecessary "sets" but I didn't understand what I do to set the array values correctly. Maybe in the last part of the ES, next to "Array > Set value at currentLevel..."?

  • I have used Local Storage in others projects to manage levels and badges, but something wrong is happening, maybe because I'm storing an array for the first time. Sometimes, when I return to the levels menu, I lost some registers (5 or more) that I have achieved. It happened during the preview (NW.js) and several times when I'm testing on my iPhone. I cannot post my capx, but I captured some screenshots about the event sheets involved in this issue. I hope that someone can help me to fix it. Thanks in advance.

  • The only thing I'm really looking forward to in Construct 3 is for it to work on Mac!

    I'm sure you get this all the time, but is there any sign of release date? Desperate to work properly on it. I've got Windows running on my Mac, but it's no where near a perfect solution.

    I agree with you 100%!

    Why are people suggesting 3D? It's Scirra guys, they're small, and making a product into something that it isn't what it's suppose to be focused on is a terrible idea and a even more terrible thing to actually execute it.

    They've gotta make it the best 2D video-game developer tool. Not the the best one overall.

    I agree with you too, usman Haq, but it would be very nice some support to 2.5, that is a improved 2D than seems like 3D (Clash of Clans).

  • Hello, a question about layouts.

    Is there any way to know which was the previous layout to the current ?.

    You can use a variable to control it.

    On start of layout > set varLayout to 1

    So you can go to layout using this variable: go to layout varlayout

  • The "inspect" tab has a high CPU overhead, since it tracks a lot of data. It is normal for debuggers to have a high CPU overhead. That is the only reason it changes. If you want to make performance measurements you should be on the Profiler tab anyway.

    Thank you. I'll take this opportunity to thank you also for this amazing program.

  • Maybe the problem is that you are using "on start of layout" to initiate the music. Try to use other trigger (trigger once... for example) to starts it.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Ashley

    Sorry to bother you with this subject again (I know you are too busy), but I really would like to understand why these values change between inspect/profiler tab. I captured two more screenshots today of the same layout just switching the tabs.

    It's important do say that it's happened both NW.js & Chrome

    Thanks in advance.

  • damjancd

    Same issue here (iPhone overheating and battery drain). The only difference is that I'm using Intel XDK to build the game. In my project has 60 collisions (4 per tick). When I check it using debug mode, something weird happens: in the inspector tab I get 11 FPS / 99% cpu utilisation and when I open the inspector tab, this values change to 72 FPS/9% cpu.

  • RenatoB it work in chrome but export to android on my phone it dont work

    It works for me for android (crosswalk) ando iOS. Are you using Intel XDK? Did you chose the "crosswalk android" option do build the app?

  • Yo

    Hello, I wonder ... how do you find out if there is any object without comparisons ?.

    Something like "if exists (object_type)".

    Returns true if there are objects.

    Or put another way, how do I create an event to see if there is an object type ?.

    That is, I just need to know whether the object exists or not.

    I read the manual and all that is within reach but I do not understand something.

    You can use "is on-screen" to detect it.

  • can someone tell me how to open google play store from inside my game to my other games on the store


    more game btn press on google play store open

    Use the browser object and the action "Go to URL".

  • hi friends, How do I Change the animation and if you pressed again this is returned to the initial animation and so on

    You can use a variable to register/control the "touch" order. For example:

    > on touched sprite  
                       varTouch = 1 > play "animation1"
                                                 wait 0.1
                                                 varTouch = 2
                                     else >  play "animation2"
                                                  wait 0.1
                                                  varTouch = 1[/code:25lfjzuc]
  • You don't need to use "every tick". Pin the object (Sprite7 to Sprite8) at the start of the layout (on start of layout).

  • Great,

    Always learning. Many thanks.

    Thanks also for fix the position where the sprite will be created.