RBuster's Forum Posts

  • Edit: NVM, appcache is not appmanifest.

    Apparently it contains informations about the icons for the game as a web application.

    Again, might depends on the server configuration/MIME type.

    Thanks for answering.

    But this file (appmanifest) is important? Can I delete it or remove any line in the code that request this file?

  • My client have problems to upload the app manifest file generated by the C2 because the restrictions of some service (and I don't know why). What is the relevance of this file and if I really need it and, if yes, for what? If not, can I delete it? what I will loose if I do this? Thanks in advance for any information about this file.

  • Thank you. I will try to implement it.

  • I intend to randomise 10 numbers (or ten letters/words) to associate the result to a variable that will define the correct number (letter/words). After this, I need to random the 10 numbers (letters/words) again except the number (letter/word) associated to the variable for the user to choose among this number (letter/word) and the correct one.

  • Thank you, Surely I will use it.

  • RBuster

    There's a "draw box" and "draw circle" action that can do that.

    To erase you have to clear everything with the "clear canvas" action and re-draw everything else. Another idea is to draw over the thing last drawn with white or whatever the background color was. I guess for either you need to come up with a way to keep track of what was drawn.

    It's much like mspaint in that once something is drawn it's just pixels.

    Hi R0J0hound

    Thanks for the reply.

    I know about these actions but I don't know how to implement it to create these shapes freely (clicking and dragging to get the size they want to the shape). I think I need to insert some information in the width/height fields.

    Thanks for the explanation about how to erase the drawing.

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  • R0J0hound

    I would like to provide to the user the possibility of drawing squares and circles with any size and I don't know how to do it with your plugin. Do you have any example that I can see to understand how to implement it?

    Edited: Is possible an example about how to erase the lines and shapes?

  • rexrainbow

    A few posts ago I have commented about the delay when the layout starts. Before showing the right font, the tag text object shows Times New Roman and I didn't figured out how to fix it until now. Do you have any suggestion about it? I'm filling the tag text with the text in the event "on start layout" but 1.0 second after that I defined the tags. Thanks in advance.

    Edited: One more question: Can I use tag text to stretch a font?

  • Thank you!

  • Hi

    I have used the "baseline" value to "vertical-align in the "tags by CSS" but I don't know how to set "shift down". Could you give me a simple example of hw to set it?

  • rexrainbow

    I would like to understand why the character goes up when I decrease its size. I don't need a real subscript style, I just want a smaller character that keeps in the baseline. Could you help me with this issue? Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks rexrainbow

    I'm having some difficulty to implement subscript numbers/letters. I'm getting always the superscript style instead subscript. If I use vertical-alignment action to bottom, the entire text goes to down, even the text that uses other tag.

    I have tried to include by CSS tag:

    • vertical-align: sub/baseline/bottom with position: relative or not.

    Do you know if I can use subscript style with tag text ?

  • Yes. Did you see the link that I have shared?

    Here is the font's names:

    font-family: 'Univers Pro 75 Black'

    font-family: 'Univers Pro 45 Light'

    font-family: 'Univers Pro 55 Roman'

    Here is the code that I need to use in my index:

    <script type="text/javascript">
        (function() {
            var path = '//easy.myfonts.net/v2/js?sid=211228(font-family=Univers+Pro+75+Black)&sid=218105(font-family=Univers+Pro+45+Light)&sid=218106(font-family=Univers+Pro+55+Roman)&key=6fqnzbOmk9',
                protocol = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https:' : 'http:'),
                trial = document.createElement('script');
            trial.type = 'text/javascript';
            trial.async = true;
            trial.src = protocol + path;
            var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
  • Thanks for the support rexrainbow

    I'm trying to use a font through the my fonts website and I'm not getting the font I want. I tried to use both options: add by css / tag > font-face.

    Code example

         font: normal 12pt Univers Pro 45 Light;
    I'm using the trial mode to show the result to my client before that him buy it. This is the address of the font I need to test: [url=http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/linotype/univers/webfont_preview.html#index]http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/linotype/u ... html#index[/url]
    Do you have any suggestion?
    Edited: Sometimes I get the right font with some delay (after of 1 or 2 seconds). 
    My script:
  • One more question: can I use a link in the tag text for the user download a pdf?