RBuster's Forum Posts

  • I have exported the linux versions (32/64) through the NW.js but I cannot execute this file. I need to know if this executable really should work or not.

    Thanks in advance.

  • notnsane


    Do you know if this .exe can be opened/executed in the Linux with Ubuntu and if I can use the same installer (NSIS or other) there?

  • I believe that I know the answer, but just to confirm it: Can I use C2 to create a multimedia project that could be distributed through a DVD-ROM (taking advantage of the offline.appcache) besides the online access, and that inclusive could be also used to install (not directly) softwares in desktops or apps in mobile devices?

    Thanks in advance.

  • simwhi : Could you please upload the capx again?

  • I would like to understand how I can do to send and get informations from the server using AJAX. I don't need to make any changes on server hosted files. I also don't need to register anything in the database.

    What I need:

    1_ send the question number and answer that the user has chosen (e.g. user_id=1 / question_id=1)

    2_ get the information about the next action (e.g. show video_id)

    3_ send information when the video ends (go to question_id 2)

    I'm using the action AJAX - Request URL to get data and it works. I'm also using the action AJAX - Post to URL to send the information and I'm getting error through the event "tag" error > set text to "Failed".

    I really appreciate an example showing this procedures working or even a simulation.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Lots of users are worried about their projects being reverse-engineered, so the exported runtime code is designed to be as difficult to work with as possible, so making any non-trivial changes to it is probably not practical.

    Minification removes all references to Construct/C2, so why not use that as your "remove references" method?

    Because they want to edit the runtime for themselves and I cannot minified it for this reason.

  • As far as I know, the problem happens in the 2010 version.

  • Ashley

    I have talked with my client and he said that the Share Point 10 is not OOB friendly with HTML5 and the JS file is not loading. Do you know anything about this issue and if is possible to fix it? Thanks.

  • Sorry for asking for a non-conventional subject but I really need a confirmation if is possible or not to make changes in the project through the runtime's code.

  • In theory, yes. But that would be highly un-practical. C2 is designed to program your game using the editor.

    Thanks, glerikud

    I'm trying to sell the source code but I don't want to force him to buy it. I offered myself to make any necessary adjusts but the client don't want to be dependent on me, that is fair enough. So, I can tell him that it is possible to make only small changes or great modifications too through the runtime?

    And about the Construct 2 references in the runtime code, do you know if it is possible to remove it? I don't want him to know that while we are in negotiation.

  • I wonder if is possible to edit the runtime (not minified) to change the project, in case the client doesn't want to buy the source code (CAPX with comments) but at the same time wants to have freedom to make some modifications using his own programmer. Is it possible?

    I have one more question about the runtime: Is it possible to remove any reference directly to the "Construct2" (not about to the abbreviations (e.g. "c2")) in the runtime when it is not minified? I think not, but I needed to ask it.

    Thanks in advance.

  • R0J0hound

    I wonder if is possible to save the user's draw in JSON data format? If so, could tell me how can I do it, please?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Thank you for all the informations, ASHLEY.

    My client found some issue with this file in the Microsoft Share Point server (v10). I will pass these informations to my client that have to decide what's better to do (remove this file or not).

  • BillAlex

    This is a typical strange behaviour (specially for a new guy on this forum). Are you nervous or something happened to you that justify your bad attitude? Are you someone important or a frequent user using a fake profile to be rude? Someone requires/demands you to answer this post and you feel bothered? I think in these situations, we should lock ourselves in the room until the anger or frustration go away and only then try to be (really) useful.

    Anyway, despiste of your hatred, now I understood what Kyatric said above. So, whoever you really are, thanks and have a nice day.

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  • Ashley,

    Could you please help me with this issue? I just need to know if I can delete this file or if it is necessary for a web project.

    Thanks in advance.