RayKi's Forum Posts

  • It was a few pixels on the landing animation collision box. Solved it already. Thank you

  • Try using the "Line of sight" Behavior to make the enemy walk towards the player, and stop walking.

    For the shooting, just set it to shoot after x seconds, or try using a variable to make it at random.

  • If you are trying to set the amount of money after the purchase:

    Add action > system > Set value. On variable you set the amount of money and the value I dunno, set it to amount of gold * 10 or something. It depends on how you want the transaction to work.

    If the player already have some money, use Add value instead. Add to the amount of money the amount of gold times something.

  • Hello friends

    I'm having some problems with the jump through behavior, I would like to know from you if it's a bug or something I can fix.

    Here, the game still looks like this:

    As you can see the collision box is all right and working properly.

    But then when I try to reach for the Jump Through Platform, this happens:

    The animation of "Landed" plays normally when the player lands on the platform, however the "on floor" condition does't recognize the platform as the floor, so the walking and running animation won't trigger. So in addition to the player landing on the middle of the platform, it won't move properly because it keeps stuck on the idle animation.

    I saw some people were having some trouble with this with previous versions of construct, but mine version is the latest update; furthermore, I've recently developed another game where the Jump Through behavior working perfectly, I tried comparing codes of one game with the other, but it looks just the same, except that one works and the other don't >.>

    Any suggestions on that?

    Thank you

  • Yes

  • Hey, I'm really trying to play your game, but for some reason gamejolt is not working properly. The game is not even loading.

    I'll play your game as soon as I manage to solve this. Sorry about that

  • Hello everyone. I`m studying computer engineering and I happen do have a LOT of free time, so if you ever need a game tester to look for bugs or just give you a feedback on your work just PM me

  • 1st You'll need a bunch of variables here, or a vector. I'll explain how to use the variables, you can check out array tutorials later on if you want to learn to use the tools construct2 offer you.

    2nd You can easily figure this out by yourself by studing the construct2 manual and reading tutorials. It's a good thing to understand about construct2 before trying to create your algorithms.

    3rd here we go.

    You will need a variable to keep track of the maximum amount of stars the player acquired each level, StarLevel1, Starlevel2, StarLevel3 and so on. Or you can create a single array to save all of them but whatever.

    You will also need a variable to keep track of the amount of stars, or score that the player manage to reach in that specific level. Lets call it "CurrentScore" for now.

    So what you want to do is, every time the player finishes a level, you save his new score at the "CurrentScore" Variable, and then AFTER that, you go and check if the value at the "CurrentScore" is bigger or lesser than the value on the "StarLevelX" that keeps track of the max score, and do the changes accordingly .

    The code sheet would go something like this:

    add action > system > set value :

    Variable : Stars

    Value : currentScore > stars? Currentscore : Stars

  • Hey friends, I have a profile here in Scirra and I have uploaded some games on the arcade; However, when I access my profiles, nothing is displayed under the "My arcade games" section.

    So, what do I need to do to my games uploaded to the arcade be shown on my profile page?

  • Hey friends, I have a profile here in Scirra and I have uploaded some games on the arcade; However, when I access my profiles, nothing is displayed under the "My arcade games" section.

    So, what do I need to do to my games uploaded to the arcade be shown on my profile page?

  • Dude! That's a really good question, I would like to know more about that. So I guess... UP!

  • I think buttons will do that automatically. Unless you want some personalized buttons on which case you can, if you have any knowledge about it, code them via CSS (I have no idea how to do that with construct2, I know it's possible though, look for some tutorials on that). Or you can create your buttons using sprites and each frame of that sprite you use a different position of the button, be it highlighted or pressed or expanded.

    In any of those cases, that's a quite simple thing to do, I suggest you to try and check the construct manual:


    Watch the scirra tutorials here:

    https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnhlhS ... cbHvIV2SyQ

    And read some tutorials here:


    Try to study a little bit the software before trying to work on your games, you will reach much better results with that <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • In order to load it you need to do all three steps shown in here: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1461/h ... age-plugin

    On event > Check item exists

    On item exists > Get

    On get > set

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Here my friend, see if this helps: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/183 ... ample.capx

  • Hello

    I think I can help.


    For your first problem, I don't know if this is the better way to do this, but this is how I've done it in all my games so far.

    Create a sprite to display the amount of bullets you want, and set the each frame with a number of bullets.

    For instance, in the frame 0 you put nothing, at frame 1 you draw 1 bullet, at frame 2 you draw 2 bullets and so on. Then you create a variable to keep track of the amount of bullets the player still have, starting with 10 and decreasing every shot. And for last every time the player shoot you create the condition to decrease the value from this variable and at the same time set the frame of your sprite to the value of your variable. Therefore, if the variable is 10, the sprite frame will be 10 and it should display 10 bullets, after you shoot the variable should change to 9 and then the sprite frame should change to the value of the variable ( 9 ) displaying then... 9 bullets.


    This is quite simple actually, all you need to do is at the end of the game is check the remaining bullets o-o

    You know the player starts with 10 bullets, so if he finishes the game with 9 this means the shot only once, give him 3 starts. Nothing much to explain here.

    Hope I could help