RattyRat's Forum Posts

  • Thanks mattb, I did scan through the 25 (!) pages but nevertheless managed to miss that.

  • Hi R0J0hound,

    Firstly I just want to thank you for this excellent behavior, it pretty much fixes all the things that I was finding frustrating with the Box2D behavior.

    One thing I cannot seem to find though, and I`m sure I must be missing something obvious, is the ability to 'weld' objects together. Essentially I want to create complex shaped objects by welding two or more objects together, there is no movement between the two objects being welded.

    A good example (using Chipmunk) would be the Motorbike`s and tank`s bodies in this video:

    Any help would be much appreciated.


  • Thanks Ashley, I expected such but thought I should at least report it as anyone else getting the same problem can see the work around.

  • Problem Description

    I was attempting to have a Text Box pop up over a sprite when that sprite is left clicked, easy enough to do but the left mouse release is not picked up so it acts as though the left mouse is still down.

    Attach a Capx


    Description of Capx

    There is a message that reports the status of the left mouse button every tick.

    Also a sprite that, when clicked, spawns a text box on top of the sprite.

    Pressing return destroys the text box.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Run the capx
    • Left click on the grey box sprite
    • Note that the left mouse button message continues to show the button as down even once released

    Observed Result

    The left mouse button message continues to show the button as down once released.

    Expected Result

    The left mouse button message should show the correct status of the mouse button.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID


    Suggested work-around

    Easily worked around by using the Mouse Button released event to pop up the text box instead of the click event.

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  • So only if it does not get any objects that match the first condition(s) will it go to the else.

    Okay, thanks for clearing that up.

    Simple solution therefore is to put in two events one to test for 1,3 and the other for 0,2.

    I may put in a feature request for a 'pick else' or 'pick other' event to cover this.

  • Problem Description

    In the attached example I am selecting text objects based on an "OR" to set the text one way. There is an "ELSE" below the "OR" which should catch all remaining text objects and set those to something different.

    If you adjust the code to a set of individual events (IE no OR or ELSE) then it works fine.

    Any help, suggestions etc appreciated.

    Attach a Capx

    Done, see attachment.

    Description of Capx

    Simply has 6 text objects, each has a single instance variable, called NumIn which is set to a random number (0 to 3) when a mouse key is pressed. Firstly this random number is placed in the text box, then a different message depending on whether the number is in 1,3 or in 0,2.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Run capx
    • click any mouse key
    • Observe that not all text boxes get the result message.

    Observed Result

    Not all text objects are being selected in the OR/ELSE block, some remain unset. The ELSE condition seems to get ignored.

    I am not sure why this is happening, possibly the else is not acting on both parts of the or?

    Expected Result

    All text objects should get the result message.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • IE
    • Sorry, these are all I have installed just now

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Windows 8.1

    Construct 2 Version ID

    Beta r185

  • Thanks.

    Still Can`t really think of a use game wise for this, although the experience should make it easier for me to do an isometric type game (with fewer, larger sprites I would think).


  • Small update now with 3 colours and finer/brighter shading:


  • Thanks for the feedback, I`ll keep tinkering with it and post anything interesting.

  • Hi all,

    Thought I would share this as it turned out better than I thought it would. I wanted to see whether I, and Construct 2, could do something with voxels (3D pixels) as seen in some popular games at the moment.

    This is what I have after a few hours programming:


    Hold LMB and move the mouse to move the light in the plane of the screen, use the mouse wheel to move it away from/closer to.

    Not sure what, or whether, this is going to be useful for. Feel free to fiddle with the code, if you re-use any of it in your projects please remember to give credit.

    Comments, suggestions, as ever, most welcome.


  • FYI - Chrome Updated to v.33.0.1750.117 and the issue has now gone away.

  • Thanks again. I will try and fix it from Chorme/system settings, if I get any results I will post them here.

  • Thanks everyone for the replies.

    Oh well, looks like it is more-or-less specific to me - I`ll see if I can get IE to work with the sound and, if not, try installing Firefox (bleugh!).

    Shame, I really do prefer Chrome.

  • I hope someone else can confirm this, as soon as an audio file is played (in chrome) I get frame rate jittering, it goes on even once the sound has stopped:

    Link to .capx file (required! If link is blocked remove the http and www parts):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Run capx above in Chrome (v. 32.0.1700.107)

    2. observe smoothness of my awesome code

    3. press mouse button to play the sound

    4. shed tears over the heartbreaking stuttering and jumpy framerate

    Observed result:

    Jittery animation of sprites

    Head banging the keyboard while crying "why! why! why!"

    Expected result: **** smooth animation and frame rate.

    Smiley face.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: ?

    Internet Explorer: no - but the sound does not play (mouse click is detected)

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7 Home Premium SP-1

    Construct 2 version:

    v162 64bit

  • Thank you.