I had a long conversation last night with a friend of mine who has worked as a Designer in the game industry for a long time (Games like: RIFT, Stargate Worlds, World of Warcraft). We were discussing the changes that the Game industry is going through and how that is affecting the big game companies and the little ones alike.
Basically the shape of games is polarizing to REALLY BIG BLOCKBUSTERS and small casual games, without a whole lot of good games in the middle.
Some of the things that he said that really rang true for me are very pertinent to this thread:
1) Flash is DEAD. It is going away. Even Adobe has an exit strategy. The big game houses are writing their own now and migrating away form Flash. It will take a few years, but there will be few attendees at the funeral of Flash from the Game industry.
2) Game companies are moving towards smaller games that have continued revenues instead of the big purchase up front. Games like Farmville (Facebook) and Pandemic (Android and iOS). The important thing about these games is that they have in-game purchases. You can play along and get in game points to spend, but for 99 cents we can give you that plant, genetic upgrade, new race car, etc... RIGHT NOW! This is where we are seeing little games that start out as FREE end up making 6 million a month due to add on purchases. This too, is the niche I am entering with my game making.
3) The game consumer is getting very smart. They want to be entertained and challenged and have it all presented in a pretty package (great art, music, effects). Fortunately, they are willing to pay - a little bit anyway - for games that meet their expectations. What they are being smart about is when a company disappoints them too many times they will no longer buy from that game company. WOW! Consumers have a memory?!?!? Some of the inscrutable "frustrating" game makers have even gone to the extent of changing their company names every year or so, just so they can slap on some new graphics over the same LAME game and sell to a whole new batch of unsuspecting rubes.
All-in-all I am very happy with your choices for Construct 2. I think you are focusing on the right things and getting a lot done. I only wish you had more help with the coding.