RandomFellow's Forum Posts

  • ALLMarkMade

    No worries, mate. Whenever the arrow keys were held down, the player points in the direction the arrow keys are held and not the direction the cursor is pointing. It could be how the "on key pressed" event is set up (when left is pressed --> point player to the left, etc).

  • i'd say you're off to a flying start, the game plays well. I only have one bit of small criticism, though.

    When the player moves, he automatically aims in the direction he's moving. It makes it difficult to shoot at enemies when you're back-pedaling (which is 90% of the time in these kinds of games). If you could make it so that the player always aims at the cursor, it'd make it easier to control.

    But like I said, great start!

  • Tinimations

    I haven't the faintest idea what the hell is going on at any given moment, but good god, I don't care. The visual style and animation are sick, sir.

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  • I wouldn't think it would impact the performance too much, even with a large amount of enemies in one layout, but that's one piece of coding that definitely wouldn't cause any problems if you tossed it in.

    Better to err on the side of caution, I say.

  • dhondon

    Ah, leave it to a narcissist like me to think everyone is talking to me! Though, he does have a bit of a point (in our regards). I don't have much of a name in the community, so my biggest target group would be the smaller groups with smaller budgets.

    I feel it'd be much easier to charge more once you've "broken into the pack". The only downside is what damage you're doing to the other artists trying to do the same thing.

  • Kurz

    Your pixel pieces give me a nostalgia ********* I don't know what kind of game you're working on, but I can tell you I want to play it.

  • dhondon

    Wow, that answered questions I didn't know I had yet. There's a lot of really great points in that, thanks a lot!


    Off putting because they're too low? Or too high? I'm pretty upfront about how flexible I am with pricing, especially with how much art a game requires, but I've been struggling with a jumping off point.

    It's a dangerous balancing act between charging enough to get enough clients and charging what the work is worth.

  • liaeb

    I'm taking that as a compliment, sir! Drop me a line if ya need anything.

    I'm just worried about scaring off too many potential clients with high prices. Especially in an indy gamemaker community. But there's a fine line between making a fair wage and ripping people off.

  • I know it's not technically a screenshot, but I was working on making some animated portraits for the vid comm portion of the HUD and thought it looked pretty good. I'll have a screenshot with the 100% working HUD soonish.

    <img src="http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w89/Popowigeon/portrait_mockup01.gif~original" border="0" />

  • I've been avoiding using them myself because of how unnatural some look and how complicated they can get, but I think you've single-handedly changed my mind.

  • Currently working on the same project but totally revamped arts and sprites.

    That's a shame, 'cause your backgrounds and tilesets have a very eyecatching/unique look. Though, I get the feeling I'll forget what I just said after I see what you end up with next!

  • I have one game project and a million art projects.

    I think you just described every one of us artists in a single go,

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    I'm impressed with how much you have so far! I think it might suit the quick player movements if you gave them a time limit to get to a certain level (like every tenth level). Toss some nice visuals in and I think you have yourself a hit!

  • Those animations synch really well with the player movement. That's a rare these days... and the water effect is freakin' me out, mate! How did you do that? I'm not too familiar with the effects in Construct2 yet...

  • now about animations i will probably need help cause im really bad at it

    Fidasx Most people say that until they jump right in. I bet you'll do fine, but we're all here to help if ya need it.