RandomExile's Forum Posts

  • Awesome, I'll check it out. It's important to be in at least the top 5. =)

  • Thanks, I signed up! I see I have two homework assignments due tonight already =)

  • Interesting! On my screen, I couldn't see the bottom of the game, so I could only see half the character, at most. However, scrolling the mousewheel corrected this by apparently "zooming." However, space and right-click never allowed me to fire. Using 21.0.1180.89 m on Windows 7.

  • A little frustrating, though, when the frogs are completely covering an asteroid, and you swoop only to be destroyed without warning. Perhaps the frogs can always be behind other objects?

  • Well put-together and playable. Probably the best Construct 2 game I've actually played yet. Congrats!

  • Great start! This is a fun addition to the typing genre.

    Like some others, I've had trouble reading the letters, as they're too small and blocky on my screen. Also, it's frustrating when a large word starts creeping in from the left-hand side of the screen, and you can't start typing until the whole word (i.e., the first letter) is visible.

  • Ha, true! No one wants Weapons of Moderator Destruction proliferated.

  • Kyatric Ouch!! Almost worth giving someone your pw just to make those last ten days . . .

  • I understand! I'm actually trying so hard to pace my reading of the manual and not get swept away, because with the cert done, I need to finish my last couple classes and THEN, in late Fall . . . it's obsession time. =)

    By then I'll have tinkered around enough with C2 between school and work, finished reading the manual, read and followed numerous tutorials, identified key plugins, and we're off! Apart from family, there's nothing I'd rather be doing than turning game ideas into reality. This will mark the end of schooling for schooling's sake.

    Heck, I spent two hours tonight talking with a friend who's a dev on a FB game, Realm of Empires, working out game mechanics for my nascent C2 project, while trying to let wife/baby sleep. Can't help it!

  • That's about what I try to do: I have it bookmarked on mobile, and it's one of my Chrome hometabs. I even used my comp for most of the day, but between dealing with our cute but demanding newborn and studying for my Network+ cert (which I passed!) today, I didn't get around to refreshing the tab until this evening. D'oh!

  • So, I'm a newbie, but I checked in at 11:30 PM today, and because of the time difference, I'd already lost my 16 consecutive days.

    Boo hoo!

    What's the worst you've lost?

  • Thanks for pointing this out, Wink. Great work, Austin! Can't wait to have to cite you in the credits =P

  • Awesome, Tom. It's going to be cool seeing the site's continued evolution.

  • Thanks!

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  • To answer Quique's question about liking the new design, I really enjoy the rounded boxes, soft aqua icons, and even the orange "Buy" button is a gentle but clearly contrasting color. The icons are attractive and inviting, but that itself leads me into ...

    ...a number of enhancements which would make it even more user-friendly.

    To begin with, those inviting icons need to be links which draw you deeper into the website and sell you on the merits and ease of (for example) publishing on Android or any of the other platforms. I tried to click on them, thinking, "Oh, so how DO I publish to..." but alas, they're just static pictures.

    Dittos for all the features below. Each of those links (Physics, WebGL Shaders, etc.) needs to take you to an equally attractive page which sells you on the specific merits of that feature, and has an integrated link to each of the other features. E.g., you should click on "Physics" and be taken to a polished, attractive Physics page which tells you a few of the neat things you can do, like arbitrary gravity, ragdoll physics, etc. Each page would have a consistently arranged and similarly themed box or arrangement with links to the other WebGL, etc., features.

    Third, as slick as the front page is, it's jarring that the rest of the site has such a different layout and style. Once you click on "Forums," for example, you find a completely different color scheme, texture, and ribbon order.

    I love the direction the site design is headed, though!

    [Note: no disrespect to Quique, but his comment had a generic subject which didn't express the topic, and it was garnering very few views as a result, so I moved my response to his question to its own post, here.]