RamPackWobble's Forum Posts

  • I guess you are using something like

    on space-bar pressed create bullet at player position ?

    if so try changing it to

    on space bar pressed player spawn new sprite bullet.

    (spawn will create your new bullet at the players position and at the same angle as the player)

    I am also assuming you are using the bullet behaviour on the bullet ?

    Have a read through the beginners tutorials - nearly everything is covered there.

  • Colludium - time on elite is not wasted... I hope you have put some time aside for Elite Dangerous ? How disappointed do you think we will be ? (and anyway the C64 version couldn't have been as good as the electron version, could it ? <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> )

    DARTH - I went and youtubed 3d monster - was it really that bad ? <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I don't think I ever played turmoil. Jeff Minter ? Mental games or what ?

  • Try posting this over in the "How Do I ?" forum - I am sure you will get a quicker response there.

  • I think most of us have posted a "How do I ?" only to realise the answer before we get to read a reply...

    <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Glad you got it sorted.

    In future, to make thing wait for a bit before doing something, it might be worth looking at the timer behaviour rather using wait ?

  • I thought my pseudonym would have been a bit of a give away ! <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Started with a ZX81 ,spectrum 48K, acorn electron ,Atari ST, Amiga and then onto PCs with a 486 (also sx33 (I think) with windows 3.1 (Came on 4 floppy disks ?)

    One games that stands out in my memory from each ?

    3d Monster Maze on zx81 (you should you tube it - but it'll scare you

    Manic miner on specy.

    Elite on electron (best game ever - I lost weeks in that!)

    Wizball (amiga ?) and dungeon master (atari ?)

    First PC game I can remember was Battle Chess.

  • Maybe a customised sprite font (ie replace all the capital letters with fractions ? So when you type "A" you would get the "�" ? You would be limited on how many fractions you could use.

  • I really must learn to read - I'll be back. After a proper look

    Ok after leaping in with both feet and not reading your post correctly <img src="smileys/smiley9.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> - I thought you were trying to set the text to ( & " Coins" ) ie included quotes around your variable name - sorry about that.


    I can see nothing wrong with your capx - the text box appear straight away with "0 Coins" displayed.

  • Thank you both - for the maths, information and capx. I'm off to play...

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  • Are you doing something like -

    add all roofs to a family

    if player sprite over roof family

    ..choose that family member and make opacity less ?

    Any chance you can post the capx ?

    edit - sorry re-read post

    Have you looked at grouping the walls and roof of each building together using an instance variable ? So you can quickly choose which walls/roof need to be hidden ?

    How are you deciding when the player is behind the building ? Z position and overlapping or just working on the y position ?

  • windows - chrome ok. IE no full screen

    Android - chrome ok. next browser and dolphin no full screen

    Can't see any lag but if you add a fps average we could report back those ?

  • Unless you need Physics for another part of your game why not just use an offset "pivot point" at your sun ?

    Could you also post a picture of the event sheet showing the maths (I can't open the capx because I don't have the plugin required) for me to have a play with.

  • Another way of doing this "make sure I don't crash" that you may not have considered is just attaching a invisible sprite to the front of each car (pinned in place) and then if something enters this "bufferzone" your cars could take some action...

    example capx (very rough but if you are interested and want me to try to clarify anything then leave me a message and I will try to tidy it up tomorrow)


  • LittleStain - that's what I meant

    fawdda use this method but you might need to add your own ricochet


  • It's the same since the alternative object should move in the same speed of the bullet.

    "space" fires bullet at 2400 (if the target registers a hit it flashes)

    "F" fires bullet at 2400 (if the target registers a hit it flashes)

    Sorry - did I just type the same thing twice....?

    fast bullet test