RamPackWobble's Forum Posts

  • Hoping to pick your brains...

    Does anyone have experience of (steelseries.com) eye tracking ?

    I am looking at alternatives to a mouse. There are commercial products available at a high price (£1.8K) but I was hoping to use these cheaper (£200) ones. I would need it for onscreen keyboard entry and general mousey stuff ! Gameplay (rts) would be nice.


  • Do you mean destroy the platform the player has landed on?

  • look at the lighting demo that ships with c2 - it is almost what you want, just alter the mouselight light sprite.

  • in the browser plugin there is a "on suspended" and "on resumed" conditions - might be what you are after ?

  • this is not the answer to your question but...

    here is a seesaw type thing done without physics

    taken from

  • Generally speaking line of sight works something like:

    does A have line of sight to B?


    required action e.g. spawn at A sprite C

    So without further information about how you have your events I am a bit stuck about what to suggest…

  • Or

    As a condition you can use

    is sprite a visible? (inverted)

    Then as an action

    set sprite B's visibility to invisible

  • I'm going to make some assumptions so I apologise if I get this wrong.

    I don't think you quite grasped the power of families (that sounds a bit like a line out of a Disney film <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile">)

    Let's say you have several monsters which we will call mushroom crab, toadstool cat, fungus dog and mouldy fish. All of these monsters are added to a family which we will call family monsters.

    From your example above we could have

    If sword beam is overlapping family monsters


    family monster instant variable active equals 1


    sword beams instant variable critical is greater than 25


    set family monsters instance variable on hit to one

    So this would make no difference if a crab, cat, dog or fish are overlapped by the sword beam.


    And in your 2nd section basically everywhere where you are saying moon crab change that to family monsters.

    Here is a simple example of family use


  • please post a link to the capx so we an have a look , or a screen grab of the events ?

  • In your above example any action taken will only affect the one member of the family hit with the on collision.

    Look at changing the instance variable to the family rather than the individual sprites.

  • Check the shape of the collision polygon you've assigned to the ball. This is done in the image editor and it is the bottom icon on the left that looks like nodes connected with lines.

    In the bullet properties try setting the "set angle" to yes.

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  • And once again, many thanks.

  • That is amazing. I have no idea how you went about that.

  • Here is one way using multiple and. I'm not saying it's the best way…
