Hi everyone! I'm new to construct 2 (Just moved from GameSalad)
I don't have any programing skills (designer student here) although i've learn a few things from GameSalad. I'm currently struggling with setting up a really basic thing. I keep having bugs/crashing the browser.... so i decided i'd just ask if someone could help me out!
Me and my brother are trying to:
- Create a ball from pressing the mouse left-button. (Mouse event on Left Clicked -> Create object at (Mouse.X,Mouse.Y))
- Make it grow while the mouse button is being held. (Here is where the problems begin... perhaps something like this: While event/Mouse Left button down event -> - Set object size: Width = Width + 1/Height = Height +1. We want it to grow exponentially)
- Make the ball stop growing if it reaches a specific size or the mouse button is released
- When the mouse button is released the ball goes in a random direction and bounces in the edge of the layout (My brother tought in something like setting the object as a bullet, with bounce enabled, but the ball goes away unless we set a 'wall' sprite and then coding it to set angle of motion = random(360))
I'm sorry this is probably a mess... but so is our head right now and we can't seem to figure this out...
PS: He said he published a topic already but just in case he wasn't specific enough. Oh, and sorry for any english mistake I may have made!
If you could help us I'd be really thankful!