ramones's Forum Posts

  • "line 1" & newline & "line 2"

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  • Yeah exactly, at the start of each top-level event all objects are picked/selected and any actions apply to all of them. Then each condition you have filters the list of selected objects. 'System: Pick all' resets the filter.

  • Two sprites touching count as overlapping so the blocks are overlapping the ones beside them. When you check the bottom row at offset 45+ you've cleared the blocks on either side - that's why that works.

  • You can still post a link as plain text.

    I'd say to make sure that the object is on the correct layer and that it's within the dotted lines in the top-left corner of the layout.

  • You need a 'System: Pick all Peg' in event 4 before you can pick the source Peg because the Peg created in event 3 will be the only one picked at that point.

    You're still going to have a problem creating Ropes in a loop. Picking 'Ropes instance Ropes.Count - 1' isn't going to pick the last Rope created inside the loop. You should probably store the x,y values in global variables instead.

  • Functions have their own picking though. Picked objects don't stay picked when you call a function. But they don't count as top level events for object creation either.

    So the peg you create in event 3 can't be picked in the "CreateBridge" function in event 8. And the ropes spawned in the "AddRope" function can't be picked in event 8. Any object you create in event 2 or in the two functions called can't be repicked until event 2 finishes.

  • You'd put the objects in a family and pass the object's UID to the function. Then in the function have:

    Family: Pick by UID Function.Param(0)
       -> Family: Set X to -100
       -> Family: Set Y to -100
  • Use Mouse.X(0), Mouse.Y(0)

    or Mouse.X("layername"), Mouse.Y("layername")

    to get the mouse coordinates on the scaled layer.

  • Yeah the value will never be exactly equal to 2 because of rounding. You should use the value dt instead of 1/60 so it will work the same at any framerate. And use 'System: Trigger Once' in events 2 and 3 so it only creates an object the first time the timer is >= 2.

  • The problem is newly created objects aren't properly created until the next top-level event (see this). Which means you can't pick those rope parts by UID until after event 2 has finished completely. You might try creating all the rope parts first and then looping through them and joining them together in the next top-level event. For example: physicsBridge.capx (r119)

  • Link to .capx file (required!):


    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Open C2

    2. Open a project (eg. Space Blaster)

    3. Open the z-order window

    4. Open another project (eg. Ghost Shooter)




    1. Open C2 project

    2. Switch to event sheet

    3. Open z-order window in View ribbon

    4. C2 crashes


    Observed result:

    C2 crashes.

    Expected result:


    Browsers affected:


    Operating system & service pack:

    Win 8 64-bit

    Construct 2 version:


  • Or

    Mouse: NOT Cursor is over object

    System: Trigger Once

       -> Actions

  • Make your own timer: Tutorial

  • I get 60 fps in Chrome but only 30-40 in Firefox too. But I think it's the enemy AI loop that's killing the framerate, not the stars.

  • The weird thing is: Sound effects do seem to work inside IE. Wouldn't he normally have those stored as M4A, as well?

    Are they working for you? There are no sounds playing for me at all. I can see in the developer tools that the sound is downloading but the content type is 'text/plain' instead of 'audio/mp4'.