ramones's Forum Posts

  • Could there be a space or newline at the end of the value you get back from the AJAX request?

  • When you have an object selected it just shows the object and anything that it's overlapping.

  • The bullet can be overlapping the wall by some amount when it collides depending on how fast it's going. You can't rely on it hitting the wall exactly at the edge.

  • Have a look at the Timeline panel in Chrome DevTools.

    Here's a snapshot from running SpaceBlaster filtered to show the garbage collection events. The blue line in the graph below shows the memory usage over time. There's a garbage collection every 3-4 seconds. If you zoom right in on the timeline you can see how long each frame takes and all the (js) events that run during that frame. The garbage collection events here take less than a millisecond each and don't affect the framerate at all.

  • System: Pick overlapping point

  • You can change the angle of the enemy spawner to point in the direction you want them to face when spawned.

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  • Like this:


    or this:


  • This is what I was saying about adding else:


  • When there are no enemies on the screen then that event won't run so the text doesn't get updated. You can use that first event and add an 'else: set text to 0'.

  • There's an example here:

  • Sounds like a good idea. Here's I how would approach it:

    Add the words to a project file, either in JSON format or just on separate lines.

    At the start of the game, load the words from the file into an array.

    At the start of the level, choose a random word from the array (goalWord).

    Shuffle the letters in goalWord to create the misspelling and display that.

    Start spawning letters - the letters from the goalWord plus some random ones.

    The letters are a sprite with an animation for each letter - the animation name is the letter "a", "b", "c"...

    When the letter hits the bucket then add it's animation name to a string (guessWord).

    Compare guessWord with goalWord. If guessWord has length n, compare it to the first n characters in goalWord. If they don't match -> LOSE.

    Keep going until the length of guessWord = length of goalWord. If they match -> WIN, else -> LOSE.

  • You could use 'On any key pressed' and then in a sub-event check if left arrow is down or not.

  • Sending multiple values:

    "score=" & score & "&level=" & level & "&time=" & time[/code:x9bpao2k]
  • You need to send

    "score=" & val[/code:296t237o] as the data instead of just val.
  • You have a space after the comma so you're getting key: "UNLOCK", value: " T".