rahms's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • Hi! Does anybody know if this is already implemented or plugin-ed? I've been looking for it without success, and that'd be a very good idea indeed.

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  • Thanks Yann!

  • Hi there!

    I cannot open the project with the last stable release (r95), it says:

    "Could not open project. Cannot find condition by ID"

    , is it possible I'm doing something very wrong or that there is some incompatibility?



  • A newbie question indeed!

    Using an Array solves the problem!


  • Hi ev'one!

    A newbie question:

    I have a list of some twenty variables that have to be shown one or another depending on the circumstances. These variables are named topic1, topic2, topic3... topicn. My idea is to have dinamically stablished the name acording to the circumstances, like:

        topicFinal = "topic" & n

    and using topicFinal as the variable to be made visible, to change, etc.

    Is that possible? Is there another way? Is too much newbie a question?



  • Hi ev'one!

    Working with Scirra and in volve oneself oin this website is one, hope to meet you soon!


  • Thanks for your response, Pode! And thank you again for your plugin!

  • Thanks Pode for your awesome plugin, a very helpful one!

    However, I've found some problems on the pode_html_div.1.4, I donn't know if true bugs or mistakes from my part!

    -The first is the tilt on Windows Explorer. On Mozilla & Chrome works perfect, but on Explorer it tilts all the time.

    -Another is that is always on the top, making impossible to play with it on layers.

    -And last, probably because of the last point, you cannot use it with buttons or divs for press in a iPad. You can click on them, but you cannot press them on iPad.

    Thanks again, and sorry if this is my mistake!


  • 8 posts