Ragevortex's Forum Posts

  • Ashley hey Ashley sorry to bother you ... thanx (in a big way) to arrall I've managed to get the project up and running on its own. However I have a php that calls it in an iframe and I'd like that php to be the one using the variable id... is there a way to make the calling php target the iframe with to execute the doit(); javascript or do I have to stick to the original index.php.



    will work flawlessly and and load the correct scene since the index.php is actually a slightly modifyed version of the index.html construct 2 makes.


    has an iframe with website.com/index.php in it.

    I'd like it to be able to work like the other one and modify the scene accordingly.

    any ideas/suggestions are welcome.

    So far arrall and the community in general and even the scirra store have been great help.

  • arrall ok a quick update mon; thanx a lot fo r all the help too. So far im able to write to the database and save the image (took me a few rewrites of my php your php and some other php but it works much faster now. ) I made a modifyed version of the loadid.php which is returning the correct information (when run separatley) now I'm working on making the app jump to the scene like you did on yours with

    ?var1=(id thingie) on the url. I'm certain there's a bug on my code because it aint jumping... at the moment I'm working directly on the final program because it takes me time I don't have to be passing from the "simplifyed" version to the production one.

    Acomplishments so far:

    • Database working correctly
    • Image being saved (cleanly and quickly in the correct folder)
    • loadid is gettign the correct data from the database.

    [edit] found the bug that prevented it from jumping and squashed it. Working now on making it render the scene as intended and that should preety much make it work complete.

  • arrall that looks cool. I finally managed to make my program work with my database and its saving all the values correctly. I'm still having an internal server error saving my image. I'm looking into what you did with yours to see what is missing. I did notice you mix together the saving of the file with the post of the information(because youre making the filename with uniqueid) - I'm using the random string I'm making in the app for that.

    There was a few moments there where I almost gave up the whole thing up until the database part started working correctly(long hours of trying to figure out why it was not working ... fixed it tho). I love how you can make it load the image posted too.

    I'm relly behind on this project and have had to take time from the "festivities" to work on it...

  • arrall yep thats exactly what I want to make in terms of taking the picture and makign the url.

    I ont mind it being a bit slow as long as it works... the end result on the app is well worth a little wait and if the url works as intended it should be able to be shared. I'l see if I can incorporate the latest changes i made into the full app on the "simplifyed"version that I have in my server... ill put up a link in a few.

  • Ashley




    [update] after many many many ... tries I decided to switch to capture the image using the c2image plugin(from joe7) ... that I used to use for my weather app camera tests. Aparently its working; however although it makes the image in the server (which is not empty (0kb) ) it is still not propperly formatted or something because its not allowing me to see it as an image.

    The database part is still giving me a headache as for some reason it refuses to save anything to my table. I'm using Ed's example from the scoreboard ... and I simplifyed the infromation being sent as I'm no longer sending the huge base64 string to it. A simpler method would be welcome this is giving me a gigantic headache and my boss wants to see the facebook sharing part working which completeley depends on the previous two parts working. Sigh. yes i know i tend tobuild ambitious complex projects but I like to explore the full capabilityes of this product to the fullest... unfortunateley it also shows me my own limitations in the process hehehe. As always any help is more than welcome.

  • Joe7 hey Joe which is the latest version of this plugin... im checking because I'm currently using it in one of my apps and it appears not to be doing anything... im just bug hunting.

  • arrall at the moment there is no issue worrying about the image string transfer. The db has the field set to text which provides more than enough space for it however I may have a problem in my php code or in the line sending the variables because it's not adding anythingto the database... i may have messed up somewhere either on the php or in the event in construct.

  • arrall Hi there. I updated the capx with some modifications. The app now "makes a random string" which should be sent trough php to a mysql database and on the "retrieval process" (soon) it should serve as a "shorter link". I'm hoping this works a little better. Still hammering it down to submision tho.

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  • arrall I'll be using the concept behind This tutorial from ArcadEd with a few modifications to see if I can still use the base64string w/o making an ugly huge link. I need to figgure out a way to add an id that I can retrieve, is unique enough so that no two users have it and I can load/save it to my db as a refference. That way I could just use that id in the link instead of all the 3 variables. I guess it should still be a feasable solution. Also it will let me use the other part of my php to see which "scene" gets more hits by counting them.

  • arrall I wouldnt call it a wasted effort. Learned a few things along the way. I'm going to attempt another strategy for that with a database but it will take me a little more thinking. maybe i can get an id and target that...

    Also the caracter length I've been getting from the app has been 2k-3k(which is still preety big) you must be using huge images or something if youre getting 16k.

    I'm still looking into other solutions however the link part is a must for this app... even if i have to find a way to shorten it by implementing mixed solutions. As soon as i have a working demo ill post it on the site again.

  • arrall Ashley So far so good. I'm wondering however if i need the variables to be loaded in the php outside the iframe or the one from construct2. The question comes because If i place it on the outside and the url is default (no variables in it) it gives me 3 errors (becaue var 1-3 are alegedly not defined) when I use the link made by the app it doesn't give me the error but it's also not going anywhere and stays on the main screen...

    when I do the same on the inner php (the one in the iframe) it doesn't show me any errors but also doesn't do anything in terms of moving to the desired scene. As always it may be an error on the way I've implemented it.

  • arrall - Progress report - as of now I've been fighting with a little issue generating the link. (added the popup plugin to show myself whats going on... I couldve used browser's alerts but im lazy like that. ) So the numeric variables were being added correctly to the string for the url however the base64img string was not... i'm fixingthat as I write this (btw its a huge string) hopefuly it will be working good enough in a few mins that i can go to the sharing part and see if itsworking. (i also placed a popup box there so i can see the actual link being made and i can actually copy it from there in hopes the app reads the thing correctly...

    -Edit- as it turns out after all my troubble the problem was a syntax error when I changed the url variables for mine.... lol made me waste 20mins trying to fix it heheh.

  • arrall well at least it loaded...(had to move it from the google drive to the test server ... for some reason when using php in google drive it tries to download the darn file)

    I have to check the logic for the load or skip to scene part I may have made a mistake since its waiting a little then skipping from the get-go instead of staying there when first loaded.

    I'm not using buttons or texts for the most part I'm just using global variables.(and hoping the minor changes i did to the php are correct)in the end I might just add the txt files hidden just to make sure it doesnt mess up.

  • arrall I'm almost set for a test run. I'm wondering, however, if the app is embeded on a webpage and not the main webpage itself will it affect the outcome? ...

  • arrall I was able to take a look at your example ... preety sweet. So you mention it's possible to just go back to the same app with a different setting? I'll give that a try at the moment I have 3 layouts. (homescreen (here you pick gender male or female) setup screen here you take a pucture and select the "desired postcard" and in layout 3 I show you the postcard based on the choices made and place the picture on a character as it's face. In this last layout is where one would submit all that information if you'd like to share it on facebook(for example) as a URL. I'm guessing I would need to make a change to the home screen to "read" the variables and pass them to the last screen if the variables are on the link and if not wait for input or something like that.