RafaelMatos's Forum Posts

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    I didn't say there wasn't any game published. I don't get your point bud.

  • I have being doing some research about indie games performance sales on PC like Risk of rain, Hyper Light Drifter, Magicite, The Escapists, This War of Mine, Don't Starve, Starbound, hero siege and others. None of them was made using C2. Also all C2 games released until today didn't get even close to that on steam and humble bundle.

    I then started to questioning why. Is it just the quality of games that have being made with C2? Is It the fact that C2 is too young, even though there are already 6 years(+-)? Perhaps there aren't too many people using it in order to someone get featured in the crowd or games in C2 aren't good/polished enough for the market. I might believe in one of these possibilities as an answer based on researchs but...

    ...What do you think about it?

    Of course I'm doing it because I'm working in a long term project and I want to know more about the market. I'm aware getting your game to be succesful and start to make a good living upon it is really difficult but we also know that indie games never made so much money like they do now. Saying that, I plan to finish my game no matter what the probabilities are because this is my dream. Although no one here is naive, everyone would love to make tons of money and doing what you love.

    Edit: Just to clarify. Successful games can have different concepts for each one so by successful games I mean revenues that easily allow you to work on it full time, make your living and invest on your next game.

  • Omg thx you that solved everything

    This is solved so yes if you are using rex(csv to array ) and need to update value use Int(value).

    Also for the range problem id figure out that its the system For loop start index is where you need it to start and end is where you need it to actually end

    Oh and id recommend using function for this.

    Bear in mind that they are 0 based, so if you have a loop that runs 5 times, its starting index is 0 and the last index is 4, not 5.

  • Ok well i found my stupid little problem you guys were right that it is being used as a text. This Is madness cause im using Rex(csv to array) plugin apparently it parsed every value in the CSV to a text format into the array.....WTF how in the hell am i suppose to fix that.

    Just use int expression(for integer) or float (for float numbers) Like this:

    int(array.curvalue) + 5 * int(array.at(1,10))

  • , like I wrote in the first post, They have most of the UI in common, although in each game mode some additional UI elements are present. Didn't see the need to clone layout, and every time I add a "shared" ui object, add them in all layouts.

    Global Layouts were the answer to that, since now I can define shared layouts, and put the per-game-mode UI objects in their own respective layouts.

    Up until now, I did use create/destroy methods in my game screen, and I'm well aware about the one instance thingy

    Well, you didn't mention UI elements. In this case I'd have suggested you global layers but not for actual game if you know what I mean.

  • Ok two question.

    One Is it possible to select a range of array to be update with a simple formula such as this array.curvalue+(5*level) and that level is in the array spot of 1,10.

    Ive tried to manually update teh array through a simple expression using for each x,y of the array. And then each current value to be +5 ....this doesnt work I do not know why.

    apparently the contruct two array value will not update through expression of math but just straight first value of what ever it is.

    And 2nd question is that Can I use the arrays in a way to auto update itself when leveled or do i need to make a **** ton of variable to be call back n forth like dumb pirates on a sea lol

    The idea here is that Once i update the array i can use the value from it for calculating the battle scene such as if you attack first check your own player power level and combine it with your own ability and then hit the enemy but wait let check the enemy array defense value to reduce the damg done.

    Ive done it before not using array but id like to do so in a smallish functional way without doing hundreds of events. So far with oosyrag help ive figured out how to choose the monster and have it updated the stats on the battlefield for a base stats but now i want to update its stats in relation to the chosen level.

    You can set values in an array using math operators just like any other variable. Although you have to remember that array can store strings and numbers so make sure the value is a number.

    EX: array.curvalue + 5 * (array.at(1,10)

    This is correct. If its not returning any number then I'm pretty sure one of these expressions is not returning a number. And if it's returning just the first value and "ignoring" the math then the second expression is not returning a number. Always try to debug your expressions before anything by just replicating it on a text so you can easily see what is returning.

    The second question I don't know If I understood correctly but no array or variables auto update itself like that. You have to store the new value in there. But that's all you have to do. Once updated, you just need to do math using those values updated, like the action> subtract "do Math to calculate damage using formula fed by array values

  • By Game mode you mean layouts? If so, yes. You need to clone them. Althought It all depends of what you are trying to do. If game mode changes means just changing some values, creating objects and other dynamic stuffs then you can do it in the same layout and use variables to determine in which level the player is. If means to change the entire world of that layout then starting a new layout is needed.

    Bear in mind that construct works this way. If you want to use any object you have to have at least one instance example in the layout start. Most of the people delete objects on start of the layout and the rest is done by routines on the events.

    Edit: Also I think you are miss understanding the use of objects. Unless you are doing a super simple game where you only use instances that you already have on the start of layout, you will always handle objects creation/destroy by events.

  • There are lots of miss conception about events. I suggest you to read more about how events work in manual.

    The first condition is a trigger, which means it doesn't run every thick but everytime something happens. In your sub-events the set scale action needs to run every thick to work properly and I'm assuming that timer isn't triggering so many times. Also, just to let you know, only for each in a condition already runs every thick so there is no need to use every thick condition

    Example of what you wanted. https://www.dropbox.com/s/l8dmxyq5n6plt ... .capx?dl=0

  • Set separator in prpoerty "Delimiter", or set by "Action:Set delimiter".


  • rexrainbow

    Hi. Thanks for the great plugin!

    I'd like to know if there are another way to use a different separator to determine the cells. I need this because I'm using comma in my texts.

  • purplemonkey Cool Idea! Would maps be shareable with other players?

  • Awesome pixel art man. Gratz!

  • Some animations I've being doing for my game. I like drawing, but animation is a pain in the as* . I'm trying.

  • . Foxley

    Sometimes I use gimp, sometimes Ps CS6. For pixel art, both are great.

    Thanks man ^^

  • Try Construct 3

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  • .

    Thanks for the interest! When I have a more solid state of the game I'll release the demo for valuable feedbacks


    It is. A lot actually. Although depends of what you want. If, in your game, there is a necessity of saving each aspect of the map, then it's really hard to do, specially if it's a sandbox with the possibility to change the environment. Imagine the game Minecraft in 2d (e.g Terraria).

    It can be much easier if you just need to keep the generation temporarily. Summing up, The generation itself is hard, but totally doable for someone with some average knowledge about it. It all depends on the purpose of your game.