r4dicaldreamer's Forum Posts

  • aww my bad, I forgot that <img src="smileys/smiley6.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    thanks Val

  • Semo - agreed <img src="smileys/smiley42.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    we can use this opportunity to measure our skill too, in a fun way, and reward if we succeed. Also, we can learn more from this and get ourselves "leveled UP"...hell yeah <img src="smileys/smiley16.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I'm just too late to join the discussion....a year late -____-

  • wrong room, bro <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    here's the proper one: Introduction room

    and hello by the way

  • nice info CROS

    better check the site immediately <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I wonder, how big is my chance since I'm a newbie around here <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • well it's not a big problem though, but made me wonder...

    this happened when I want to preview my work on browser

    when I preview it for several times, the last will not run, I mean it's just blank white layout in the browser. I must close the browser and re-open it to make it run again

    not really bother, but a bit annoying

    any idea why would this happen?

    p.s: I don't know where to post this since I'm not sure it's bug or not, so I post it here in general topic...sorry if it's the wrong section

  • Interesting...I also had some issue with it, this will help :)

    by the way, how will you store the information of your items? you go out to main menu, access store and buy anything, and then back to the game

    I'm not really familiar with data storage though, so maybe you can share any knowledge about it?

  • what if you add another variable to the mana, let's say manaRegen

    you can make it boolean


    if mana < manamaximum, set manaRegen to true

    if manaRegen is true, every 4 second add 1 mana (or maybe you want to use Wait, but I'm not really sure)

    if mana >= manamaximum, set mana = manamaximum, and set manaRegen to false

    I'm newbie so I don't really familiar with advance thingy, so I try to help with some basics...let me know if it works


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  • Whiteclaws

    I'll send it to your email later :)

  • still need one? i'm interested :)

  • well, I'm using bamboo and it's doing fine to me :)

    IMO flashy tech and high prices are just luxuries, if you can do things well with the cheap one, why bother taking the big one?

    For me, I will search for a pen tablet that easy to use, not really expensive, and can do the job fine. Bamboo is quite nice though

  • wretchedshark - I fail when I made an animation that mirrored the sprite. It still glicthy

    I'll try your new capx and let you know about it

    thanks a lot, pal :)

  • wretchedshark - I've tried to make the angle fixed when the debugAngle is beyond the rotation limit, but still didn't work

    I got an idea to make the new sprite for head and gun that already mirrored, so maybe if I just call the other sprite instead of mirroring the original one, there will be no glitch

    or I can put it in the animation on the sprite, an call it to replace the mirror action

    I'll let you know about this and upload the capx later...I forgot to save the last experiment I did, with fixed angle :(

  • wretchedshark - oh I see...so I can't aim my mouse too far from the object? It's kinda problem though, because the object moves freely and you can't control your mouse to always near it. Is it any way to deal with this? I'll also try to fix this though, just in case you find the solution first :)

    thanks by the way

  • wretchedshark - it occurs when the head n gun mirrored by mouse aim

    so let's say I'm aiming to the top left of the screen, and I drag the mouse from there to top right, slowly. The glitch occurs when the character reach the limit angle and then mirroring...try it