My name is Whiteclaws , I am the Main Dev of Whiteclaws Studio , an Indie Compagny that seeks the best quality and the most fun gameplay for the enjoyment of the public ...
The Team ( Me :P ) is currently working on a game game know as Project sunset or Suns3t , A puzzle game that uses levitation as the main concept
The main game idea is that you can move blocks according to rules to get to the end of level , You can play a current prototype here
We ( I ) are searching for a talented artist that can animate the main player , sketch the environment and paint backgrounds for the game
Basically , the art is LIMBO but with a sunset touch , quite like
The team is composed of :
A Programmer + Designer with 2 years of experience and no talent in PS :durr:
For now , the team has no budget , I won't be able to pay you , I'll be a profit-share of 50/50 ...
The Game is going to Greenlight , Desura , Clay.IO and all the market places you could imagine of
If you are interested , e-mail me at
Thanks for all , folks !