This may help: ... hadow.capx
This creates a shadow sprite for each object of the family.
The shadow keeps track of the uid of the object it's paired with and how high it is, which i call "z".
Then to move the objects I just move the shadow and put the objects's position to (shadow.x, shadow.y-shadow.z)
For the jump I added another variable to shadow called "vz" which is just the vertical speed. Then I use the following to make it accelerate down due to gravity (400) but stop when z is 0. The result is a nice parabolic motion.
every tick:
add 400*dt to vz
set z to max(0, self.z+self.vz*dt)
Then to make it jump just set vz to -300 or something.
You could change it up to move the shadow instead of the object. ( shadow.y=object.y+shadow.z )
Just be sure to change the object's y when the z changes.