[PLUGIN] Paster

From the Asset Store
The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.
  • R0J0hound

    Could you explain in a bit more detail? Sorry I'm awful I know.

    Here I am trying to redraw the "Sparks" particle doing what you said (but I don't think I followed correctly) - Whatever I try seems to crash the browser

  • Badmiracle

    Ok here's a capx how to do it.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/542 ... aster.capx

    The idea I posted was on track but was flawed.

    For tilemaps, it's enough to move the area you want to paste onscreen and move the paster by the same amount.

    For particles that wouldn't work as moving particle objects doesn't move the already spawned particles. The solution was to save the particles position when it was created then move it to the center of the screen.

  • Badmiracle

    Ok here's a capx how to do it.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/542 ... aster.capx

    The idea I posted was on track but was flawed.

    For tilemaps, it's enough to move the area you want to paste onscreen and move the paster by the same amount.

    For particles that wouldn't work as moving particle objects doesn't move the already spawned particles. The solution was to save the particles position when it was created then move it to the center of the screen.

    Yes x1000

    R0J0hound Are they paying you yet? Scirra

  • Hey I'm getting an error/crash if I paste an object that has the "Brightness" shader on it. I tested it with a few others like "Tint" and I got the same thing.

    Any idea what that's about? :T

  • Tokinsom

    C2's webgl renderer looks like it was updated to have more parameters for effects. Looking at that particular line it looks like time is now passed to the effects.

    Looking at line 408 in paster/runtime.js

    glw.setProgramParameters(this.temp_texture, 	// backTex
    	 1.0 / inst.width,		// pixelWidth
    	 1.0 / inst.height,		// pixelHeight
    	 0, 1, 					// destStartX, destStartY,
    	 1, 0,					// destEndX, destEndY,
    	 1,						// this.getScale(),
    	 0,						// this.getAngle(),
    	 0, 0,					// this.viewLeft, this.viewTop,
    	 0.5, 0.5,				// (this.viewLeft + this.viewRight) / 2, (this.viewTop + this.viewBottom) / 2,
    Add this line: "this.runtime.kahanTime.sum,"
    [code:3p0kd6dd]glw.setProgramParameters(this.temp_texture, 	// backTex
    	 1.0 / inst.width,		// pixelWidth
    	 1.0 / inst.height,		// pixelHeight
    	 0, 1, 					// destStartX, destStartY,
    	 1, 0,					// destEndX, destEndY,
    	 1,						// this.getScale(),
    	 0,						// this.getAngle(),
    	 0, 0,					// this.viewLeft, this.viewTop,
    	 0.5, 0.5,				// (this.viewLeft + this.viewRight) / 2, (this.viewTop + this.viewBottom) / 2,
    And that should fix it.  I can't test, webgl no longer works on my pc.
  • R0J0hound Sure did! Thanks man.

  • R0J0hound

    I can create a second paster instance at runtime, i can clear it to a color, but i cant past anything in it.

    Is this fixable?

  • Savvy001

    Nothing should prevent you from doing so, as long as something is picked to paste.

  • Strange because it is not working.

    I have now pre-made lots of instances, changed nothing in the events and then they all paste.

    But this way its not dynamic.

    I must take another look at it then

  • Savvy001

    I use numerous instances and it works as it shud...

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  • irina

    Do u create those at runtime?

    Or in the c2 editor?

  • Savvy001

    Does this not work? It works for me.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/542 ... _test.capx

  • Savvy001

    I create them on runtime... i download images from www and for every image i create a paster object.

    R0J0 just made a nice exampe...

  • Savvy001

    Does this not work? It works for me.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/542 ... _test.capx

    It works perfect in your capx.

    I must have done something wrong.

    Thank u for the test example.

    Time to rebuild may paster events <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile">

  • Can't paste a Tint effect enabled object on a Paster.

    I want to say that if I want to paste a tint effect enabled Object on 'Paster', the following error message is shown.

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