qyburn13's Forum Posts

  • > Some of the world and town exploration that I have been working on recently.



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    Nice! Your artwork?

    Yep. I have been doing everything myself. I'm moving over to Godot at the moment as there's a lot of stuff that's really hard in this type of game in Construct once you get to a certain size. I still use Construct for prototyping and testing out stuff though. It's great for that.

  • Some of the world and town exploration that I have been working on recently.

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  • This has a really quirky nes feel to it. I love the look. Well done.

  • I don't know how many people like reading this kind of game dev blog stuff but I wrote a post on my steam page about how I am trying to give players a sense of progression in the world through visuals as much as possible.


  • I finally got around to finishing the teaser trailer

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  • I finally finished the teaser trailer for the rpg I'm working on.

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  • Thank you. I am making good progress. I should have the trailer ready this week so I'll probably post it here.

    In the meantime here is another screenshot of one of the dungeon battle screens.

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  • Lately I have been updating some of the battle backgrounds as well as the ui. This is how the current battle screen is looking.

  • This week I have been going over some of my player sprites making them more readable. So far the feedback has been the new sprites are far better but the extra colour and detail means a lot more work animating unfortunately.

    Along with that I have been adding animations and objects like clouds and birds to my world map.

  • Yes, I'm a totally solo dev. The only thing I haven't done are sound effects and music.

    Hopefully a demo ready by the middle of the year!

  • This week I have been working on the first area of the world map. I have been putting it off for months. It was still painful and time consuming but it feels good to get it done. The game world is finally starting to come together.

  • Over the past week I have been working on a new battle system.

  • Thanks for the reply. I'll have a play around.

    Could this kind of method be adapted to squares rather than hexes?

  • Do you think there is any way this would work with moving objects that take up multiple hexes such as large enemies or characters?

  • Last year I started work on a crpg inspired by the rpgs of the 80s/90s. I still love these games but there are some serious flaws by modern standards especially when it comes to the ui and controls so I wanted to make something that addressed these but still kept that core old nostalgic feeling.

    I was surprised that it was possible to make something like this as often it's the preconception Construct is only suitable for prototypes or simple games. I have found this is not the case at all. Some things are tricky, especially with database related stuff or anything dialogue related but overall no problems.

    Give me a wishlist on steam if you are interested in old school rpgs and wished there was something similar.

