QuaziGNRLnose's Forum Posts

  • set position to

    x: origin.x+cos(angle)*(ellipse width)

    y: origin.y+sin(angle)*(ellipse height)

    origin would be the point you want at the center of the ellipse, angle is an angle from 0-359 (well it can be anything really, but thatll just loop it back since its an angular value after all)

    the other parameters are pretty self explanatory. to make it spin you just need to alter the angle value.

  • you should use ini files instead, it'll allow for an non-finite number of objects to be saved, and it'll work essentially how you'd do it with an array, except you could add extra properties to be saved in easily and it's just an overall better way to do it.

    Arrays are faster for operations that need to be preformed rather frequently, but for level data an ini file is much more scalable and easy to use, the loading at the beginning is the only loading that'll be done, so the small improvements gained through an array will be pretty negligible. also, an ini will make life simpler, and you wont have to organise objects by numbers and cryptic coordinates.

    heres a good tut

  • And I thought me and Davio were the only LoL'ers on here.

  • thats the easiest possible thing you can do, just add to a variable when something is collected and when that variable =2 go to the next layout/level

  • http://gamejolt.com/freeware/games/arca ... atch/3161/

    <img src="http://images.cdn.gamejolt.com/games/3161/screenshots/3161_6333.jpg">

    A game i made a while ago had a pretty good image editor, and i managed with only sprite canvas and image manipulator, if you figure out the functionality of each object and I'm sure you'll eventually be able to make a paint program.

    for color selecting the "common dialogue" object could be of use to you.

  • for lighting I used two edges of the cube as vectors per face found the cross product to get a 3rd vector that gave me the normal of the cubes face, and then found the dot product of that normal vector and an unchanging "light direction vector" (specified with the variables 'Lx' 'Ly' and 'Lz') that belong to the object L (L is just an object i use to store variables, because its faster to write L than global('etc') all the time), anyways, i find the dot product using the components of the two vectors, then i find the norm of those vectors with distance formula sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2), the norm of the light is precomputed in the variable ('Ln'). with the norms and the dot product i can get the angle between the vectors that they form in their unique plane, by dividing the dot product by the product of the two norms, and then finding the arccosine of that value. the lighting from therein is just setting the filter of the face to a scaled value of that angle difference. R=G=B=('Anglebetween'/180)*255

  • yea, but short names save so much time when writing expressions!

  • Another random programming test. 3D physics using verlet integration, and 3D lighting using vectors cross products to find normals and vector dot products to find angular differences.

    Controls are mouse click and mouse wheel to manipulate.

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1010927/verlet%20cube.png">


    sometimes the normals flip because my physics implementation doesn't iterate for increased stability/accuracy

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  • He does this thing where he locks you over his head and then waits, it's cheating.

  • Well all the files downloaded correctly, then when its installing it gets up to a certain point, but eventually just crashes, windows says the program has stopped working, and the installer shows a failure on all the installation because .net messed up (after it had said it worked)

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1010927/1.png">

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1010927/2.jpg">

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1010927/3.jpg">

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1010927/4.jpg">

  • I cant get visual C++ 2008 Express to install -_-

    link was from: http://www.microsoft.com/express/Downlo ... Visual-CPP

    any help?

  • Yes! you can get (left thumb x) and (left thumb y) and the same goes for the right analog stick and the triggers. you need to use them in an expression though, its the only way it really makes sense. the value scales from -1 to 0 to 1 based on how much its being "pushed", you multiply it to scale and add that to an objects current x,y velocities to get a geometry wars-ish movement. for the gun you make use of angle(x1,y1,x2,y2) and use x1=0 y1=0 x2=rightthumbx y2=rightthumby to get the current "direction" of the stick!

    you should find them and figure it out if you select the xbox360controller plugin when you're writing an expression.

    good luck

  • I've put it off long enough! i wanna start making nifty little things people can use, but i have no idea where to begin, what i need etc. Just point me in the right direction!

  • There's some plugin lying around that shviller made, which if i recall properly draws an image only over opaque areas in a base texture when applied to the object you would use as a "light" and used in conjunction with "force own texture" on the layer the light and object are on. It's called "draw over real"


    place it in your construct fx folder

  • Updated: added controls for everything and colour, included 0.99.94 .cap

    if someone wants to try their hand at a plugin feel free! Sorry the .cap is messy.