PudgyPlatypus's Forum Posts

  • I was just curious on what would be needed on the Vita/PS4 for there to be a possibility of an exporter from Construct 2?

    Some sort of compatibility with HTML5, WebGL, Javascript?

    Was just curious because it would be fantastic if we were able to generate even simple games that could be played on Playstation consoles.

    If this is a stupid question then don't mind me...nothing to see here..

  • Sigmag Awesome info, thanks for that! It's funny you mention the ResUtil, I have had a tab open with that post for a couple weeks now but haven't gotten around to messing with it. I will definitely try it out this weekend.

    Thanks again

  • I would also appreciate it very much, I still struggle immensely with what sizes I need images/layouts especially when I'm trying to figure in iOS devices. I feel like the tutorials on that subject do not really give any kind of REAL example and just are too simple and not easily used on something a bit more complex.

    Thanks for doing this, it sounds like it would help a lot of people.

  • You usually want to tag Ashley in your thread if you want them to see your question. Ashley

  • > I'm at work and probably shouldn't be playing games so I took a quick look and the one thing I noticed is that your character would sometimes show behind the clouds/objects. Unless you wanted that effect I would suggest making sure you set the Z orders when adding the new objects.


    > Other than that nice job!


    Thanks man ,how could i set the Z orders when adding the new objects?

    Depends, when creating or adding the objects set the background objects to the bottom of the Z order or you can just set the Player object to the top of the Z order.

  • I was only able to watch the youtube video but from what I saw it looks fantastic! Great work, love the 8bit graphics and it looks quite fun!

  • I'm at work and probably shouldn't be playing games so I took a quick look and the one thing I noticed is that your character would sometimes show behind the clouds/objects. Unless you wanted that effect I would suggest making sure you set the Z orders when adding the new objects.

    Other than that nice job!

  • > full time doing database consulting

    > would love nothing more than to make my dream games all day

    > keep the girlfriend happy


    Are you me?

    I'm a BI Analyst and DBA. We should talk some day

    Haha that's funny! I will have to take you up on that!

    Then you should know my struggles of balancing all of it. Especially after a long day of clients calling with database issues and having to fix a bunch of things, then trying to get home and fix some BS iOS issue with resolutions between retina display and regular display iOS devices..lol.

  • Roccinio thanks for the reply. That makes sense.

    So then if you have a player character with say 5 different animations (run, jump, idle, etc), those are all eating up performance even though they are not being used until a certain button or event has occurred?

    Of all my difficulties in programming, performance has been the most stressful..especially for mobile devices!

    Thanks again!

  • I'm on the same boat as most of the other responses here.

    I work full time doing database consulting but would love nothing more than to make my dream games all day. But with life costing so much money it is hard to just jump and do that, and it is even harder to try and balance my full time job with trying to make a full fledged game on the side...and keep the girlfriend happy all at once.

    That's why I like the idea of smaller games monetized to try and bring in a steady (but small) amount of income to warrant the extra time put in to make more games.

    Also my biggest thing is the fear of failure. It's easy to pump out small games and if they don't do well it's just..meh on to the next. But when you commit to a large game and then no one buys or downloads it...it's pretty painful.

    In the end of the day I think most of like games enough that I wouldn't say we are all just in it for the money. There have been hard days where I wanted to give up but then I realize it really IS my passion and it's almost impossible to give up on that.

  • Hey everyone!

    I was just curious while I was sitting at work if anyone had any experience with sprites that have a lot of animation frames and whether or not that takes a toll on performance?

    I have a character with almost 200 frames (I probably won't use ALL of them) but just wondering if anyone has any experience with large amount of frames?



  • So I have dealt with this quite a bit with all the random little games I put together:

    Lots of random stuttering of graphics while moving even in the simplest solutions. It happens less on my PC at home with really good specs but it does still do it erratically while testing.

    Here is an example of something real simple. The falling icicles randomly stutter for me while falling while just doing local testing. Then I decided to try a Node-Webkit export and the stuttering seemed all gone (maybe a small one in the beginning).

    Can anyone tell me if they get stuttering with the falling icicles and if you have had this, was there some sort of setting you use to not have it?

    I worry about it because most of the games I want to do involve iOS and I know my computer specs are much better than most iOS devices which I know the stuttering could be worse on there.

    Thanks everyone!

  • This looks absolutely fabulous and tip my hat to you!

    I hope your game does great and definitely gives us other C2 developers some excitement on what can be made in here.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Hey everyone!

    Just needed to see if anyone else has tried this and has any suggestions on best way of attempting this:

    -Space game, you can fly the ship around through space but I want to be able to hit a button and the character can then get out of the pilot seat and move around the ship while still moving along with the ship (ship is still moving forward).

    I was testing with simply having the ship moving along with custom movement and setting it's speed like the custom movement example, but then the character sprite is updated every tick to be moving at the movement angle of the ship. During that every tick, if you are using wasd it will move the character another pixel in that direction also.

    This sort of works and I could add more to it but I was just hoping there might have been a better way of attempting something like this?

    Thanks for listening!

  • This sounds great ArcadEd!

    I have been casually making things in C2 for about a year now but I'm finally making a job for the app stores and these all sound right up my alley on things I'm coming across that having some good information would be much easier.

    Definitely information about (other than what you already have mentioned):

    -CocoonJS premium and the CocoonJS splash screen?

    -Available extensions with CocoonJS (premium)

    -Any problems ever come up with your testing version on the CocoonJS app compared to how it works when you finally use CocoonJS to compile your final version