ptbcomposer's Forum Posts

  • I just made a DDR game for my interactive graphic novel (still needs art, but it's pretty much functional). Check it out here...

    Through trial and error, I came to basically the same methods that justifun mentioned, but only for making the arrows (or indicators as I call them) "respawn". Except you would actually use "On collision with" because it will only check for that once and not constantly like it would with "On overlapping."

    I decided to compare my internal system clock to the appropriate time when an indicator was supposed to collide with the top. It's actually complicated and simple at the same time.

    Also, Construct seems to be a lot more sensitive (at least for me) when comparing the distance for scoring a perfect vs a good. It's pretty much impossible to get a perfect if you only have a 4 pixel window to work with. You also have to take into account the speed of your indicators (I use bullet motion), and you'd have to be a robot to get a perfect in that window.

    Here's my capx. Keep in mind that you have to use your own time windows.

  • Fight Fight Revolution updated to v. 1.1.

    The first major version has been uploaded to Scirra Arcade!

    Please let me know your thoughts!


    Fellow Developers,

    It's the Way of the Sax guy again (you know, the interactive graphic novel)! Part of the goal of Way of the Sax is to make the most interactive comic book experience. What better way than to incorporate some minigames into the comic? In addition to all the other cool features we will have, minigames put you in the story and give you the chance to be Ken Suto, a martial-artist/jazz saxophonist!

    I present to you the first of 5 minigames that will be in Way of the Sax: a DDR-style rhythm game (I believe perhaps the first working one on Scirra??). Coding appears to be done, but I still need to insert the artwork, which is being drawn as we speak. Once they are done, I will update this.

    Basically, you are Ken Suto and are fighting a badguy in the subway. You have 4 attacks: punch (left), kick (up), sweep (down), and saxophone (right). Gameplay is similar to any DDR-type game. See if you can score 10 or better!

    Here is the game...

    You can keep up with the progress of Way of the Sax here...

  • Ok, finally I figured it out. No where on the site are there any clear instructions as to how to correctly use dt. How was I supposed to know that to make a perfect timer all I needed to do was have "Every tick -> add dt to system clock". That's it. Fixes everything. It's so simple, yet I had to piece this info together and narrow down my problem to the system clock event. Before I was telling it "Every 0.1 seconds add 0.1 to system clock".

    It seems to me that my original method should have worked because I thought that the internal timescale of Construct 2 already was independent of the framerate. Obviously it is not, and I couldn't find this info under the dt section in the manual. Construct 2's own time counter is not framerate independent, kind of making the whole time counting thing useless.

    Also, I'm a little disappointed that in a week, no one was able to even make a reply to this thread. In the past, replies have been fairly swift and helpful. Is everyone on vacation this week? I was out of town without consistent internet and still visited this site a few times from Kinko's and borrowing my neighbor's internet by standing across the street.

    However, I forgive you all. Maybe you saw "music" and "sync" in the same title and avoided it, knowing that audio support still isn't that good. For now, I seem to have fixed the problem on my own, but I'm still a little disappointed at the lack of response.

    Please feel free to check out the game. I'll go ahead and showcase this in "My Creations".

  • A week and still no reply?

  • Please folks! I have less than 3 days left on my Kickstarter campaign!! I still need $200 of my $500 goal. Please help me spread the word so I can get some support. The WIP has been updated, and I am working on my first minigame.


  • I fixed it sort of, but now I'm having a similar problem that seems to change depending on which computer I use.

    Go ahead and try to play the game. The fourth indicator should NOT line up, but the first 3 do.

    This is for the latest release r107. On my laptop I configured the system to compare the enabling of the bullet behavior to my system clock. In other words, at prescribed times, the bullet behavior for each attack indicator is enabled. It works perfect on my laptop. Everything lines up at the top and with the music (button presses no longer cause a problem here).

    However, when I put it on my main computer, things don't line up anymore.

    I have very capable systems...laptop is a 2 year old Toshiba with a Core i5 and Radeon 5650...desktop has a Phenom II 920 and a Radeon 4850.

    The problem is with Construct. How can I get the game to stop lagging behind?

    Capx has been updated and "completed" or so I thought.

    Please use the links above...

  • The new color scheme hurts my eyes. Why try to fix something that's not broken? Now we have a painfully bright white with a medium-light blue font and light purple visited link. It strains my eyes to look at it. Please consider darkening the empty space to a light grey at least. White is too bright. And the font colors need to be more readable. Thanks.

  • I'm making a DDR-type rhythm game to go along with my Way of the Sax comic. If I just let the game play without pressing any buttons, the music syncs to the music just fine. If I try to actually play the game by pressing buttons, the game falls behind the music.

    Ok, I know there's no way to make audio do what you want via HTML5 due to browser limitations.

    However, is there a way to make the game catch up to the music, like maybe some kind of framerate correction?

    To see what I mean, go to the game here...

    First just let it play by itself; don't press anything. Music and game sync.

    Then refresh and try to play. Game begins to fall behind and by the end is way behind.

    Any thoughts?

    Here's my capx...

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Haha, I just found the same exact mistake myself. So stupid of an error to waste my time on! Thanks anyway.

  • I removed all of the music and sound effects to get it down to 10.3mb so it's a much faster download.

  • Way of the Sax guy here again!

    I followed this example...

    Here is my capx (yes, new website!). 10.3mb

    A little explanation. First off, I've closed all unnecessary layouts and minimized unnecessary groups.

    As you can see on the dummy layout, when you click on one of the variables (for instance..."articles", which is what we're going to work with today) it tells the system how many articles have been collected. Try this. Run the dummy layout and click "articles" 3 times. Then click "menu" at the top. You will see on the bottom left that "Article Score" says "3/8". Good. Now click the "Save" button and the new black/white save button that pops up. Hit refresh. You will be back at the dummy layout. This time just click on "menu" and the "Load" button and finally the black/white load button. Nothing happens.

    My Webstorage events are in the menu event sheet at the bottom. I've double-checked the key and variable names with my global variables, in this case the "articles" global variable. I tried disabling my article score group and using the "every tick" method to set the text to the webstorage key. It doesn't work...

    Any ideas?

  • Why can't you just use the sine (vertical/horizontal) behavior? Figure out which magnitude and period give you the result you want and set it to active via an event when you want it to; then tell system number of seconds to wait before telling sine to be inactive.

  • type your text into something like with whatever size font you want native in the game. make the background transparent (in your just magic wand the background and delete it) and save it as a png. bingo. you now have text as an image file and can load it as a sprite.

  • WIP (work in progress) has been updated. New additions include pseudo-3D motion and sfx. Please note, there is an audio glitch on Chrome that causes the first actual layout's music to start late (works on other browsers). Also, browsers except Chrome have an audio glitch that prohibit layout music to be paused. Enjoy.

    (please remember to refresh your browser if this does not reflect changes; you may have to clear your browser cache on Chrome)

  • Forget it. I figured out a work around for the sound effects problem. Tag every sound effect that lasts a whole panel "ambient" and set it to "looping". In my pause HUD, I tell audio to mute "ambient" when paused and unmute "ambient when unpaused. This works just fine. The only problem I still have for sfx is when it is a non-looping sound, but that doesn't happen as often.

    For the music playback problem when going between my title screen and the first layout, it seems to be limited to only Chrome. Playback of Layout 1 starts when it should with all other browsers. However, not every browser pauses and unpauses the music correctly. I think this is a browser problem, not a Construct 2 problem.

    So there it is. Maybe once I get comfortable with the audio plugin more I'll do a tutorial since this is a common problem people are having and there is no tutorial or info in the manual on how to resolve it.