Way of the Sax guy here again!
I followed this example...http://www.scirra.com/forum/webstorage-save-game_topic46118.html
Here is my capx http://www.wayofthesax.com/tests/wayofthesax.capx (yes, new website!). 10.3mb
A little explanation. First off, I've closed all unnecessary layouts and minimized unnecessary groups.
As you can see on the dummy layout, when you click on one of the variables (for instance..."articles", which is what we're going to work with today) it tells the system how many articles have been collected. Try this. Run the dummy layout and click "articles" 3 times. Then click "menu" at the top. You will see on the bottom left that "Article Score" says "3/8". Good. Now click the "Save" button and the new black/white save button that pops up. Hit refresh. You will be back at the dummy layout. This time just click on "menu" and the "Load" button and finally the black/white load button. Nothing happens.
My Webstorage events are in the menu event sheet at the bottom. I've double-checked the key and variable names with my global variables, in this case the "articles" global variable. I tried disabling my article score group and using the "every tick" method to set the text to the webstorage key. It doesn't work...
Any ideas?