provintia7's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Problem Description

    When the family member has container, it's unable to correct pick the other sprite in container in the event of collision.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    When "attakcolor" family collides with "tower" family ,change size and color of the tower and it's container's sprite.See the image.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    Only the last individual one in family members is correct pick. Even after time passing or repeating collide, it never correct pick in others.

    Observed Result

    See above image.

    Expected Result

    Only when add "wait 0 " action after the creation of "tower" family members or

    separate add " pick all " for individually family member, then it could correct pick in the following events.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (Unknown)
    • Internet Explorer: (Unknown)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    Win 7 Home edition ,SP1

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • dop2000

    I will report it ! Thanks !

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  • I try and test again .

    My example shows that it only picks the last one sprite individually .

    "pick all family" dosen't work

    Only " pick all separately " works

  • Thanks to dop2000's brief and direct example!

    Because I am a beginner and I don't know what's the real problem.Or just because I don't know how the program working .

    In your example , it spends 3 seconds to have a correct pick .It really point out a problem.

    But in my example , when I set bullets speed to zero and drag to collide each other , it never pick correctly.

    Or maybe it relate to "On collision with family with container".

  • Though I have solve the problem , but the solution is still a mist.


    I have three families , "tower", "add" and "attackcolor".

    The tower family has two sprites which name "small and "large ". The add family has "add1"and "add2".

    The "small" and "add1"are in the same container. Another container is made by"large" and "add2" .

    Here is the preset result when "tower" family collide with "attackcolor"family I want to create.

    Main event sheet:

    Wrong pick result without wait 0 after families created ,set value and pin.

    Another wrong pick when wait 0 is not in correct place.

    Correct wait event sheet :

    It seems like that after creating family with container , a wait 0 action is needed, so the following events of family collide with family could correct pick?

  • Great effect!Thanks!

  • Thanks a lot!

  • There are 4 groups of armies according to their own attack type, each group has 2-3 different levels.

    1.Melee :warrior,Knight,Paladin

    2.Archery: archery ,archery rider

    3.Magic : Attack magician , healing magician

    4.Throw: throw stone , fire stone, cannon

    Each sprite has its own health, attack type, range &power , defense( to melee, magic ,throw) ,moving speed.

    When they meet each other, they attack enemies or heal friends depends on their own preset.

    Just like the sprites move and attack in the game .

  • Hello! May I request a "sprites system" template like Epic War2 ?

  • It's a great and useful effect.

    However, the below link has failed. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_eek.gif" alt=":shock:" title="Shocked">

    Download Effects and Demo: ... e/fire.rar

    Could you reupload the file.


  • 10 posts