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  • QuaziGNRLnose , here's an example:

    Make sure to run from layout 1.

  • QuaziGNRLnose , I don't know too much about how alphtesting affects optimizations- I basically just re-enabled it. Your code had a syntax error with it, and a comment saying that having it enabled didn't seem to do anything- so I assumed the syntax error was the reason why it appeared not to do anything. Fixing the syntax error allowed alphatest to get applied.

    I think alphatest is useful if you aren't using a shader, since you can discard fragments in the shader to get the same effect.

    I wanted to try and get shadows working with alphatest using a custom depth material, like you said.

    When I was writing a shader, I wanted to use texture2D to grab color data from a texture, but there wasn't any clear way to specify the texture in the uniforms, so I had to force it to get picked after the shader was loaded from the qfx file.

    for example-

    I figured out that this worked in the uniform section:

    	var uniform = {
    		uniformCall : function(){
    			return {
    				texture: { type: 't', value: new THREE.Texture() },
    				amplitude: {type:'f', value: 0},
    				textureWidth: {type:'f', value: 256.0},
    				textureHeight: {type:'f', value: 256.0},
    				u_time: {type:'f', value: 0},
    				u_resolution: {type:'v2', value: new THREE.Vector2() },
    				camPos: {type: 'v3',value: new THREE.Vector3() }
    	return uniform;
    But I wasn't sure how to reference the texture, so I had to add the following in runtime of q3dmodel plugin to get it to work:
    [code:1mgxtn89]if(typeof _this.mat.uniforms !== 'undefined'){
    			if(typeof _this.mat.uniforms.texture !== 'undefined')_this.mat.uniforms.texture.value = _this.texturebank[0].frames[0].webGL_texture;
    			if(_this.matType !== -1 && _this.mat) _this.mat.transparent = ([34] === 0 );
  • purplemonkey , I have managed to get two viewports working, but the biggest issue I had was that the second camera that you make for it has to have its settings set specifically, since the default camera's settings aren't set the same for new cameras you make.

    Quazi, It would be good if new cameras had the same default settings as the default camera..

    I have fixed various things on my own, like flipping/mirroring sprites, adding alphatest, and making shaders work.. so if those get fixed in the official plugin, I won't have to reapply my fixes if there's an update.

    There's also the bug where if the q3d master is a global object, model's offset parameter get added whenever layout changes, so their offsets become messed up.

  • , also in addition to what r0j0hound said, if you need to move it, you can use a separate object to position the other one that shouldn't be affected by forces. r0j0hound helped me with this in the past, here is a snapshot of how I handle it:

    the two use different layering groups so they don't collide with each other, and I turn rotation off on the object that follows the other, and give it a high mass value too. Works perfectly.


    So IGN posted the demo footage of the game! :O

    :O nice!

  • I'm glad I decided to create my own save/load in my current project by writing/reading file instead of relying on the built-in method.

  • whaaaat?? I get 54% cpu usage for the functions, and about 7-10% without.

  • Thanks!

  • Eh.. but the collisions are still there for the parts that aren't updated.

    Ashley , If you want to limit the use of the tilemap, you should force it to resize itself to avoid confusion. There is however the possibility that someone would want to update only a section of the tilemap- I don't think you should disregard that. This is an opportunity to make your product better.

    It's mainly just odd that the tiles outside of the updated area remain visible, as well as their collisions- so why not their tile number be accessible as well? It just seems like an oversight. Something just isn't right with it. I also don't think it is good to just assume nobody will ever update just part of the tileset and expect the rest to go unused- that sort of thinking limits creativity.

    edit: I guess I could make a plugin that loads in a section with offsets, etc.. I think I'll do that for now.

  • I'd say it's a bug considering javascript's indexOf() is case-sensitive. There's no explanation or even mentioning why find() isn't case-sensitive in the manual. If someone wants to find where "string" is, and they have "strinG" before it, it will return the wrong index.

  • having to use regex just to find the index is troublesome, because in some cases you might have to escape specific characters. If you can simply use find(), it would make the process simpler for users.

    I don't mind specifying whether to use case-sensitivity as long as there is the option to do so.

  • Okay, it's fixed.

    Question: How to upload a texture in 3D model .obj?

    Quazi has an unfinished manual here: ... 2-4_2.docx

    It has information about textures on page 21..

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  • Problem Description

    using find() expression is not case-sensitive. Because it isn't, you have to use more complicated methods to get the results you need. It'd be better if find() is case-sensitive.

    Attach a Capx

    Description of Capx

    text object has an instance variable holding a string ABCDabcd. find() is used to get index of "b", but it returns an index of 1 instead.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

      run capx

    Observed Result

    It doesn't return the index of "b"

    Expected Result

    it should return an index of "b", which would be 5. It should be case-sensitive.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    vista sp2

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Thanks..

    I had to escape some characters to make it work with execJS (since I need to find other characters), so I added string.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, ""\\$&"");

    It was creating errors otherwise.

  • You would need to project the current velocity vector onto the direction vector of the thrust:

    And measure whether the projected vector is lower than the maximum velocity allowed. If it is lower, then it would be okay t add thrust in that direction.