Prominent's Forum Posts

  • Ashley , How would I report it? I don't know what is involved in the problem. Obviously audio, but technically what does that mean? Wouldn't you have a better ability to describe the issue to them than me?

    I can report it, but I need more info as to what you think is happening, so that I can explain it to them.

  • Ashley ,

    I'll try to explain how I am using things:

    I have a layer named "gui" on my first layout (and every other layout).

    This layer holds all my menu/gui stuff, which is basically a bunch of spritefonts.

    The spritefonts are part of a family and have a lot of instance variables.

    The spritefonts are also global objects, because I need all the variables to remain set accordingly.

    Due to the spritefonts being global variables, I cannot set the layer to be global, otherwise if I do then I would get duplicated spritefonts.

    I want to have the "gui" layer properties carryover to any other "gui" layer in the project, because I have the parallax set to 0,0 on it.

    Due to this, It makes it time-consuming to adjust all the "gui" layers on every layout if I need to change a property. If I have 100 layouts with "gui" layer. It would just take one change to set all their properties if I could make the layer properties global without it creating/duplicating the instances.

    The spritefonts have to be global to keep their variables set appropriately, so I can't use global layers as it is currently implemented.

    If instead, there were the options to Let Layers have a Global Layer Properties Setting, Global Layer Objects Setting, Global Layer Effects Setting, then it would improve the workflow. I would be able to use global objects, and have the layer properties carryover

    Hope that helps you understand the issue here.

    edit: or maybe just have it check if object is global, and not recreate any global objects. That might suffice?

  • something like this maybe?

  • did you set the correct tile width/height in the tilemap properties?

  • The latest one provided by scirra, 0.15.0

  • Ashley, If the layer has a set background color, parallax, opacity, effects, etc.. I want to carry-over those settings to any other layer with the same name. At the moment that isn't possible without it also duplicating the objects on the layer.

    My point is that you should give users the option of whether they want one or the other carried over, or both. Don't force it on the user.

    Instead of just a global setting. Let Layers have a Global Layer Properties Setting, Global Layer Objects Setting, Global Layer Effects Setting.

  • Problem Description

    When duplicating a layout with more than one layer, it will always choose layer id 0 as the default active layer regardless of whether the duplicated layout has a different active layer chosen.

    Attach a Capx!AhHSZHEulqh_gTbWU_Xl73sZS5nr

    Description of Capx

    Layout with 3 layers. Layer id 2 is the default active layer.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • duplicate layout
    • check active layer of the new layout

    Observed Result

    The active layer of the new layout is layer 0.

    Expected Result

    the active layer should be layer 2 (the same as the layout it was duplicated from)

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO)
    • FireFox: (YES/NO)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    vista sp2

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Problem Description

    as described in this report: viewtopic.php?f=152&t=177878

    Attach a Capx!AhHSZHEulqh_gTVSgqGFDB9qjAha

    Description of Capx

    plays music at start of layout

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • run as nwjs, close, check windows task manager open processes.

    Observed Result

    nwjs is still running after closing.

    Expected Result

    to close completely

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    win vista sp2

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Ashley, there should be a way to carry-over the layer properties without the objects. This is the point I'm making.

  • Hm.. yeah.. I just tryied to reproduce in a new project, but it works as intended with collision polygon.. I have experienced what you experienced though.. so I'll try to figure out what is happening..

    edit: I can't seem to figure out how to reproduce either.

  • You'll have to create your own collision responses, etc.. Or use a container and have a sprite object for every q3d sprite, and position the q3dsprite to the location of the regular sprite, then reference the regular sprite for any collision stuff.

  • yeah.. I've noticed this too.

    Overlap seems to disregard the collision polygon and just check the square image dimensions. I figured it was just how construct2 handles it..? But it would be good if there were another condition that checks whether the polygons are overlapping.

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  • Prominent can you reupload the example file please? The links are dead!

    that link still works for me.. but here's a new link anways.!AhHSZHEulqh_gSwz5N36ab9E-zgq

  • I managed to get some working qfx shader files in the past..

    I took out the fragment code in this one, so it won't work until you add some actual shader code.

    Also, I think q3d has a texture uniform already created.. and creating your own texture uniforms requires some editing of the plugin.

    Basically, the shader stuff was to be rewritten, according to Quazi, and I was told it's probably not a good idea to use it.

    	var uniform = {
    		uniformCall : function(){
    			return {
    				texture: { type: 't', value: new THREE.Texture() },
    				amplitude: {type:'f', value: 0},
    				textureWidth: {type:'f', value: 256.0},
    				textureHeight: {type:'f', value: 256.0},
    				u_time: {type:'f', value: 0},
    				u_resolution: {type:'v2', value: new THREE.Vector2() },
    				camPos: {type: 'v3',value: new THREE.Vector3() }
    	return uniform;
    varying vec2 vUv;
    varying vec3 vNormal;
    void main() {
    	vUv = uv;
    	//vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );
    	//gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition;
    	gl_Position =   projectionMatrix * 
    					modelViewMatrix * 
    	uniform float u_time;
    	uniform vec2 u_resolution;
    	uniform float textureWidth;
    	uniform float textureHeight;
    	uniform vec3 camPos;
    	uniform sampler2D texture;
    	varying vec2 vUv;
    	varying vec3 vNormal;
    etc.. etc...
  • look nice

    this game looks something like TRINE

    Like Trine? That's a hell of a compliment

    Trine is amazingly beautiful, so thanks for the comparison