Prominent's Forum Posts

  • Problem Description

    event in included eventsheet fires even though it shouldn't.

    Attach a Capx!AhHSZHEulqh_gWN-7dM3L4ibRZfc

    Description of Capx

    eventsheet 2 is included based on condition if layoutname != layout 1

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • run project
    • check the text object

    Observed Result

    text changes due to a trigger that shouldn't fire, because the eventsheet shouldn't be running.

    Expected Result

    text should not be altered. eventsheet 2 should not have its' event ran because the include is within a condition that is false.

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    vista sp2

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • thanks rexrainbow , do you have any plugins/behaviors that allow accessing instance variables via a string? example: sprite("variable")

  • I wanted to suggest features: guides and rulers for c2/c3.. did a search and this thread came up, so posting here.

    Guides would be uses for aligning objects, and rulers useful for measuring. At moment there is no simple way to do this.

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  • btw it looks like the y positioning and rounding isn't necessary - just modifying vy and the y vector seems to do the trick.

    Ah cool- yeah, the other stuff was what I tried first, so I thought that was necessary, but looks like it's not!

  • I had to change the way slopes were handled. ... 6264553472

    Chipmunk offers great set of features, but is a bit particular in some cases when it comes to tilemap collision cells. I had implemented sloped segments in previous version, but also used different collision polygons for the player to help it sit flush against it. This turned out to be bad decision since it required having to manage different cases, which opened up more opportunities for things to go wrong when those polygons changed.

    Now I keep the player collisions to one type of polygon, and instead adjust the slopes to make it appear player is flush against it. I then had to ignore collisions with tilemap for cases against the floor.

    It all seems to be in order now with enemy collisions as well. I will still need to tweak the speed depending on whether player is running up steep hill, but that should be straight-forward.

  • Here you go:!AhHSZHEulqh_gWJwaYIuMqbSYiDZ

    It was a little tricky figuring out some quirks, but fairly straightforward in its' implementation.

  • Would be nice to create objects via a string that corresponds to their object name. That way we could use an instance variable that stores the name of an object to determine which object to create without having to create a bunch of conditions to check, etc..

  • R0J0hound , I'm trying to get the object being collided with inside a 'for each collision pair' loop.

    It seems to work when objects collide, but then afterwards it just returns 0 for the Chipmunk.CollisionOtherObj value.

    This is strange, because the loop runs when objects are touching each other after colliding, but the Chipmunk.CollisionOtherObj returns value of 0.

    I need this, because the recent colliding object may not be the value I want if the object colliding is resting on another object and stops touching the recent collided object. I want it to return the original colliding object it still is touching, but it won't until it re-collides.

    edit: I might be able to use an alternative method by checking if things overlap..

  • I have been working on animating the character, and adding slopes.

    It's a bit tricky managing the different slope animations, along with physics stuff. It's working okay now,..

    Here's an animated gif showing it off. ... 7081564161

  • Is my understanding correct that there aren't any tilemap-based isometric methods currently available?

  • I would check which key is being pressed to determine the direction player is attempting to move while colliding. If they're trying to move horizontally and player.y < floor(player.y/tileheight)+tileheight*0.5 then push player down(add to y position). If player.y > instead of < then subtract from y position.

    Do similar adjustment for when player attempting to move in vertical direction.

    I think something like that would be sufficient.

  • At moment it is too easy to get caught on corners. I would add events to push player into alignment with pathway if running into corner of wall.

    Other than that, it looks good so far. I like bomberman style games.

  • Thanks facecrime, and ShinobiSlash

    It probably will be a while until I have a playable demo.

    I've been working on the design of the protagonist. I think I have it sorted, but I did a bunch in the process..

    I'll probably stick to this one, or something similar:

    I wanted to keep the color count low. In this case, it has 6 colors if you include transparency. This will make animating quicker- I can focus primarily on the lines rather than shading. I intend to keep enemies and other characters with similar low color count to maintain style.

    I might adjust the colors as I figure out how it meshes with background tiles, etc.

  • R0J0hound , thanks for the info. Are there any cases that you know of besides 'on pre collide' where this may happen? I just experienced the freeze without any 'on pre collide' actions. Maybe it tried waking up in the 'on pre collide' even though no actions were ran inside the event?

    I'm going to disable sleeping for now- I don't plan on having too many objects at a single time.

  • R0J0hound , actually.. it appears it happens when an object is asleep. I positioned one to sit above the tilemap and forced it to sleep state on start of layout, and then on pre collide it immediate freezes when velocity is set.

    edit: I'm guessing the pre collide isn't meant for applying velocity/etc.