Prominence's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • No, everyone has the same base movement speed, and they're basically intended to swap out just like that- whatever direction or angle the player is at in that moment stays consistent.

  • Alright, so basically what I'm trying to do is make it so that the player can swap between characters with the press of a button- each of these characters are intended to have their own unique skills for puzzle solving purposes. Problem is, I'm having trouble figuring out how to switch them out. I figured it'd be a matter of destroying the current instance of the character and all other possible instances of the characters, then spawning the intended character in the same spot, but either that's incorrect or I'm going about it wrongly. Here's the .capx for anyone to look at, but as it stands I'm kind of confused. ... .capx?dl=0

    Thanks for the help in advance!

  • Kiira, yeah, I really could. Is there any particular contact info you have like Skype, so we can talk it over a bit more personally?

  • I'm trying to work on a Metroidvania style of game (sort of), and I'm having trouble getting all the movement systems done for the main character. Mostly Airdashing, a type of homing maneuver, and flight are what I'm working on at the moment.

  • I'd like to get a bit more detail on this, myself, as I'd like to have something similar in my own game.

  • Is this being updated? I'd love to see some of those suggested (ESPECIALLY ledgehanging) also be implemented.

  • Ah. Sub-events were never something I understood a ton. They seem to be if/then types of checks? I'll have to read up a bit more on it all...

  • I suppose I should bump? I also feel I should mention that I've looked at several tutorials on the subject, particularly in the How do I FAQ thread. Unfortunately, they've not much helped.

  • Hi there. So what I'm trying to do is make a decent edge hanging code where you attach yourself to the ledge whether you're falling or jumping. I've been trying several tactics to accomplish this, but only have gotten somewhat close. At the moment, I'm kinda stumped, so I'm putting out my .capx for folks to take a look at. Maybe someone will be able to help out a bit.

    Thank you very much in advance.

    Edgehanging Trouble

  • Could you post any kind of examples or prior projects that you've worked on (and in what capacity you worked on them)?

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  • Hello there! I've recently been trying to work on a platformer of mine, and one of the techniques in it, ideally, is being able to cling to edges. Now, I've made an attempt to work on it myself, looking at various tutorials/examples, but for some reason my attempts seem to fail, even when I mimic the code exactly. I've looked through my code, and, well...I can't spot the problem.

    (Guess this is why I don't normally program!)

    If someone could take a look-see and help me out, that'd be very much appreciated. In particular, what I'm attempting to make is a method where if they get close enough to the edge, they cling automatically, and are able to jump off via the jump button, or climb up normally. (Hope this works...)

  • I can't seem to get onto Construct's IRC channels by hook or crook. The mibbit link doesn't work, and trying to connect via mIRC or Xchat fails as well. Is the chat just down or something?

  • I'm curious- will this tutorial be continued considering Construct 2? It's be EXTREMELY helpful lately with my own project, and I could really use the rest of that combat tutorial- perhaps with some help with projectiles...(hint hint. xD)

  • 13 posts