profMobi's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • I'm pretty sure that larger sprites will impact the performance of your game, but in the interest of having one code base to "run them all" you might be okay with that.

    As for the background image, since the background of your HTML page is set to "transparent" in order to see the directCanvas layer below, the background image could be invisible if you set it using CSS.

    Also, although the XDK doesn't require it be sure to use the present() method of the context object to tell directCanvas to actually write to the screen.

  • It sounds like there was an error creating the project. The _xdk_analytics directory should include a similar "MyCompany.MyProject" directory, but the appropriate "MyCompany.MyProject" folder should be in the same directory as _xdk_analytics.

    Have you tried to create a new project? Did that create the directory? Perhaps there is a permissions issue on your computer?

  • Ashley is right. At this point appMobi's Direct Canvas doesn't support commands that use the DOM. It was designed for games that are built completely within the <canvas> tag. It simply won't work with C2 games at this point.

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  • Hey guys,

    My name is Andrew, and I work at appMobi. I've been tasked with learning more about Construct 2 and trying to see how our two technologies can work together. I'm betting that I can take the code generated by these tools and then just drop them into an appMobi application and build it as a native application. Using appMobi's Direct Canvas may be a little more involved, though.

    I'll share any samples that I create, and perhaps make a video showing how I did it. If you guys have any other questions, send me an email at Thanks!


  • 4 posts