PressStart's Forum Posts

  • hi

    I want to know how can i make an image rotate clockwise a certain number of degrees and when it reachs a certain angle to rotate counter clockwise until it reaches another angle, kind of like a pendulum effect.

    Best regards,

  • Thank you very much, its being very helpful.

    Best regards,

  • hi

    I am making a "turret" kind of object, but i am having the following problem. I have a "turret" and a "bullet" object. When the player is at certain distance from the turret, the turret "spawns" a bullet at its current position. The problem is when i make another instance of the "turret" object, both turrets shoot at the same time if the player is near one. I've tried using "for each" in the event sheet, but it still doesn't work. What could be the problem?

    Best regards,

  • Hi,

    I a have a game where every level is basically has the same elements (objects, HUD, background). How is the best way to make this levels without having to set the HUD, background and everything again? Should i use duplicate or is there a better way?

    Best regards,

  • Sorry, by layer i mean layout.

  • Hi,

    I wonder how can i assign an event sheet to a specific layer. For example, when i duplicate a layer, by default it does not create an event sheet for it.

    Best regards,

  • Hi everyone,

    I want to apply a special bounce effect. i would like an object to be "hit" when it collides with another. The object should "bounce off" at precisely the place where it collided the other object. So it should be applied an impulse perpendicular to the tangent of where it hitted the other object. Also, i want it to take into account the other object velocity. In other words, if the other object is faster then i want the impulse to be stronger (be hitted harder).

    Is this possible to simualte?

    Best regards

  • You are right. Thank you for your help.

  • Hi everyone,

    I would like to know how i can check if all the instances of an object type in a layout are destroyed. What i have tried is to create a global variable named XXXX, then in everty tick i set that variable to object.Count. Then i check if XXXX is <= 0. The problem is when i crate the global variable i can't set the initial value to object.count. Is there a better way for this?

    Best regards

  • Thank you very much for your help. Exactly what i needed.

  • High everyone.

    I would like to know how can i associate a particle effect with an object. What i want is that when i instantiate a certain object i want it to have a certain particle effect automatticaly attached. Currently i have to manually copy the particle effect and put it on top of each object instance.

    Kind regards,

  • Families is the solution. Thank you all for your help.

  • Dear all,

    I would like to know how can i make a "parent" object class. For example instead to have an event for each type of collision ie "bullet - blue monster" i would like to have a "bullet- enemy" event and be able to have different kinds of enemies to be checked under the same event. In example:

    Enemy class,



    Enemy Blue

    Health = 5

    Speed = 10

    Sprite: X

    Enemy Red

    Health = 10

    Speed = 20

    Sprite: Y

    But i would like to check for collisions with Enemy in general, not with Blue and Red specifically.

    Best regards,

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  • Hi everyone,

    i was wondering if there is an easy way to change a sprite's collision detection from pixel perfect to bounding box.I am currently using platform behaviour for enemy AI sprites, so i have to make a "square" sprite as bounding box to prevent pixel perfect collision, and pin an image to it. Is there not an easier way to just "check" a sprite as square? I believe Game Maker has an option like that.

    Best regards,

  • Hi everyone, i am new to this forum.

    I've just started using Construct and i have the following doubt. I am using 32x32 sprites but when i click the "run layout" button and preview the game the sprites looks VERY small relative to the window size. I've tried changing Window Size at the project properties to 320x240 to "zoom in". This shrinks the screen but makes everything small (the window screen too). Also i've tried to use fullscreen, which helps,but it scales to cover the WHOLE screen. What i would want is to play at a big size window (like the default one) but kinda "zoom in" so sprites don't look so small relative to the screen. Is this possible?

    Best regards