PowerWrecker's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • So I don't know for sure why it is happening. It was the actual Mouse.X Mouse.Y that was moving in the debug menu. What I think was happening was the cursor would teleport, move the camera, then teleport back before the camera technically moved so it was just in a loop of moving its own position back and forth based on the camera. To fix it I have a separate object with a fast-moving MoveTo behavior follow it around rather than setting its position.

    Also thanks for the replies, really helped me re-think the problem

  • I'm having an issue where my mouse Y is going up and down 500 units and my mouse X is moving about 5 even while the actual cursor is stationary. It only happens while I am holding down right click which is how I move the camera ingame. Any help on why this is happening?


  • Awesome. I was hoping it would be that easy, thanks. One thing I just realized I need is to make a layout size larger during gameplay. For example, adding 1000 to the Y direction to make the space larger after upgrading. I can't find a way to do that. Or if I could create layouts during gameplay. I'm trying to make everything in my game infinitely scaleable so this would help a ton.

  • Ok after some trial and error, I believe I have made the persist function work for my game. Thanks for the help! I'm still wondering about the best way to transfer objects from one layout to another. Is there a function I'm missing that makes it easy to do that? I am trying to move the Drawing Canvas object to capture random textures on fish. Also, the player object but I don't think that one is too tough.

  • In my game, the player can collect things from the ocean layout and bring them into their lighthouse layout. When leaving the ocean to the lighthouse everything from the ocean layout resets. I have tried using the persist option but everything respawns creating duplicates. I've tried a few different ways with persist and they all have some significant flaws. I have also tried the save/load feature but I feel as though that would create a duplication effect with what is brought to a different layout. How would you go about going back and forth between layouts?

    Another thing I'm unsure of is how to actually bring an object from one layout to another. I have fish in the game that gets textured during play making them unique so I can't spawn a random instance on the other layout. Is there a way to transfer exact instances between layouts?

  • I went back and saw the "Destination In" option so that is figured out. Should be good to move on from this part then, thanks again.

  • I still can't get it to work. I know I'm super close and I tried to copy your script exactly to start. I can get it to where they both paste into the object but if I turn on any blend mode they don't show up in the paste. I've tried switching the blend effects on both and switching which get pasted but it doesn't seem to work. The one difference I can see from your example to mine is in the editor, when you move the C icon it doesn't show up unless it is over the texture. Whereas mine shows up everywhere.

    I'm linking my project because at this point I'm really puzzled. The notable script is at the bottom of the event sheet and the objects are on the left of the player character. The layer is "UnderWaterLayerFish"


  • I haven't been able to get this to work. This is my first time working with the DrawingCanvas object so I'm sure its something simple I'm missing. I have

    When I use the script from the image with the texture having the multiply blend effect active the texture doesn't show on the fish once pasted onto the object. Although without the blend effect the texture is covering the fish in the DrawingCanvas object.

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  • I've run into a problem with this method. I am planning on having potentially infinite duplicates of these objects potentially overlap. With the current method the textures will overlap onto the wrong base object. Is there a way to prevent this? I was thinking I could have a tiled background pinned to them and shrink it to the size of the fish but I don't know how to make it zoom on anywhere but the top left corner.

  • Thank you that's going to work!

  • Hi, I am trying to make a fish that spawns with a texture on top of it. I want the texture of the fish to be a random part of a large gradient block I made in photoshop. So how I have it now is I spawn the fish, a small non detailed black sprite, and then spawn the color texture at the fish + or - a random amount of the texture size. I only want the part of the texture that is on the fish to be shown. I've tried some blend effects but they still show on the ocean, maybe there is a way around that though?

    Thanks for the help!

  • 11 posts