powerwaffle's Forum Posts

  • Ok... so exporting to an html5 web game and importing into ludeis cloud compiler is the way to go here... haha. Runs so much better. It's awesome.

  • I've been testing my game on my phone with cocoon.js launcher with canvas+ and it runs pretty darn good. Now I am at a stage where I need to put ads in my game, and have been testing with intel XDK and exporting to android crosswalk. But the app keeps closing when I try loading my the level with the gameplay. When I export to android from xdk (not with crosswalk), it works but it runs horrible! I think maybe my phone just can't handle webview? Because the same thing happens when I try testing in cocoon.js launcher with webview, it just shows the menu and when I click on the button to load the layout with the actual game it closes. Maybe my phone doesn't have enough memory? Either way...

    Is there any way to export my project to compile with cocoon.js instead of cocoon's cordova compiler? So I can have my game using canvas+.

    I'm uncertain of the best way to go here. Any suggestions or tips would be really appreciated.

  • Alrighty. Figured I'de share my solution.

    1) For my fast moving object (ball), i set its bullet property to ON. (Boy... i should try this new thing called reading)

    2) Updating text box's every tick = BAD. Practically doubled my frame rate on mobile by getting rid of this.

    I'm testing on the cheapest huawei I could find, so if it's running decent on this I don't have any concerns. BUT... the low frame rate is what was causing the glitches, so i'm not too too sure if the bullet property actually solved this (but holy crap I hope so). I'll have to pile up some useless functions to kill the frame rate to be sure, but like I said... if it runs good on my $100 crap phone. None to worry, right? Literally... 80mb of ram free.

  • I'm building a pinball game and the biggest problem I am having is the paddles. They need a pretty heavy impulse in order for them to smack the ball - to provide a fast paced gameplay. BUT... it seems the revolution limits are not doing their job :S I can literally see the paddles rotating beyond their limits and hopping back, and I think this is causing the ball to fly right through the paddles... Which is my problem - ball flying through the paddles. Can this be solved by setting stepping iterations? Which one should I boost, velocity or position? Or could there be a poor mans work around, by applying a certain force to the ball when it collides with the paddle while its moving, so I can slow down the paddle speeds - and lower the iterations to save some CPU.

  • I can't select and edit a sprite that is overlapped and behind another. I think you should be able to click on the same spot and cycle through sprites in the same click area until you select your object. It's a pain having to move things around and put them back.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Nay. I was wondering if there is an expression or function that can keep a number within a range without "clipping" it at the maximum or minimum value. Say I want a number to stay between 0 and 8, and the number i enter is 10. it returns as 2, not 8.

  • Is there an expression that can cycle a variable between two numbers?


    x = cycle(3.5,0,1); // sets x at 0.5

  • Just downloaded it using my cell phone data connection. Same issue.

  • I downloaded the file a second time last night, and the files were both different sizes. But the second try did nothing. I just downloaded the release with torrent, and still... Nothing. I will try using the data connection on my phone when I get home :/

  • I'm on windows 7 64 bit

    Installed construct in administrative mode.

    Launch construct in admin mode and all that comes up is an error box.

    Error window title: Construct2.exe - Entry point not found

    Description: The procedure entry point could not be located in the dynamic link library ole32.dll

  • I'm having the same issue. <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I just looked through the manual to see if what Im planning to do is going to be possible. It says save game does not save in cocoon? I do not necessarily need to save the game state, just variables. Im planning on implementing an upgrade store, so all I would need to save is stuff like cash available to spend, item upgrade levels, what was last selected to be used in game, etc. Am I up creek with this?

  • When you disable physics collisions of a sprite with another sprite/family, do all instances of the sprite become effected? Example, if I had two physics entities doing their thing and once one of them touched a sprite - disabled physics collision between that physics entity that touched it and another family - would the second physics entity no longer collide with that family? Do duplicated sprites share physics 'conditions'?

  • DOH. It was just the placement of checking if the global variable was 0 (so you cant just flick them all on with the paddle). I just rearranged the events so the check was done before 'for each', and BAM.

  • the 'for each' definitely saved the day. everything seems to be working fine except for the toggle button on the right :( it doesnt seem to want to... toggle. I better put on some coffee. thanks for the help. im sure ill be posting again pretty quick. ill be sure to rip some hair out of my head before i do though.