Playrea's Forum Posts

  • I already have that info and the SHA-1 signature is the same as I had during creation the key.

    Where can I find "Цілісність додатку?" :) in google play console. Also do I need to download some file from console and upload it into the project?


  • I have the following there. Should I remove items that you marked as NO?

  • I've connected Firebase project when created, so Fingerprint matches with one I have in Construct 3 key, but still doesn't work :) Will try to play around. Maybe missed some configuration. Thanks again!

  • Thanks. I already had Sign In action on the start of layout. Also tried to do as you showed on the screenshot, but still nothing after clicking on the button. Any other ideas why it might not work? :)

  • Thanks for the reply. I've already released the version with google services but in the game when I tap on the icon nothing happens. What can be the problem here?

  • I've created events to sign in into google play services with a debug texts, but looks like I can't sign in for some reason and get leaderboard (however in-app purchases works)

    In the google console I have the following:

    This step is marked as uncompleted (Add the Play Games Services SDK to your production APK to use the APIs) but there is no instructing how to do this in Construct 3 and I think it should be already included in GooglePlay plugin.

    Is anyone know how to solve this? Thanks!

  • You should only need one icon, nothing else.

    Like this:

    Out of interest you can always look into the json, but the json file should only reference the same as you see in xcode really. Otherwise something is corrupt.

    If you see any other image or icon anywhere, it means that image is included in your project, so you should be able to find that image when you browse in your folders in Finder.

    Thanks, I think I have the same as on your image. However that one icon is still default and I can't find where it come from..

    The rest icons looks good, so it's a very good news that no needed to create a ton of icons, just need to figure out with this one..

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  • Thanks! Am I doing something wrong? I've set Single size but the Icon is still displayed as default.

    Do I need to do some additional steps? Like removing files or json?

    UDT: tried to remove extra icons and json, clean the folder and run again but the problem is still there

    Thanks for the help

  • I mean the following icon:

    I have the following icons in the project:

    Also in AppIcon.appiconset:

    All other icons looks good except this one.

    What is missing?

    Many thanks!


  • in the properties window

    Wow, it works! You save my day! Many thanks!

  • Okay, If you create an Android app you should use Adaptive Icons. (Maskable icons is used for web apps.)

    How you do this is described in the manual. (Set one Foreground- and one Background icon, they will be used to create an icon that will be adapted in size and form for every device)

    Thanks, I'll try. Just a quick question: "Set one to use the Adaptive background purpose, and the other the Adaptive foreground purpose." - how and where this can be set? :) Thanks in advance!

  • No, I'm creating android app. But the icon is displayed as square in the circle on some devices. I've tried to create maskable icons using but it still displayed in the same way. Do you know how to fix this? Or if you have some example/icon where it works, please share. Thanks!

  • I think you should read the Construct manual instead of googling some random "css tricks"-websites. It should be explained there how to do it.

    Thanks for the reply, it's from official - (App icon maskable).

    If you know another manual - please share, as I spent 2 days already in order to make rounded icons and still no luck.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I'm trying to add maskable icons into the project using this tutorial:

    It says:

    Adding the icon to your Web App Manifest

    Once the icons are created, you can add an entry to your Web App Manifest similar to other icon assets. The Web App Manifest provides information about your web app in a JSON file, and includes an "icons" array.

    The question is how can I find and edit manifest.json?
