Pixenergy's Forum Posts

  • °-°

    You are a wizard WackyToaster !

    Thank you very much, it's work very well ! Whaow ! Thank !

  • Hi igortyhon !

    Here an exemple :

    exemple c3p format : we.tl/t-vWduyT9UCv

  • Hi !

    Thank you very much WackyToaster !

    That work for for the "circle" (sprite).

    But when i use families with differents sprites, that doing so much bug. Random sprite, random position, random size, etc.

    I need to do 1 sprite by 1 sprite to save ?

    Thank again

  • Yes this is a sprite.

    But i have many instance of them. And i have other like circle, etc.

    How do i take all instances of (for exemple) many square and many circle AND after the load, all sprite have the right position, type, xp, lvl, etc.

    Thank by advance !

  • Hi guys,

    Thanks for your feedback.

    I understood the idea a little more thanks to the basic savegame project.

    However, I have objects that have several variables to enter

    For example :

    A square on a grid, I need to retrieve the following information:

    - the level of the square

    - the type of the square

    - the square experience

    - the position (X and Y) of the square

    I understood that we could use the array but I'm a little stuck here ><

    Thank you again for your help

  • Hi, sorry for the late response.

    I watched tutorials on local storage, json, ajax, dictonary, etc. It seems really complicated for a non-expert like me (that's why I chose Construct which seemed much easier to use).

    My project has a lot of data to back up and I don't know how I'm going to get through it. Is there no other way to retrieve all game data at a moment's notice and reload it?

    Thanks again for your feedback

  • Hello, I have a problem saving and loading my game.

    When I save and reload on the same scene, I have no problem, all the elements are displayed correctly.

    However, when I change scenes with a save in the game and I return to the menu, then I load the save, there are elements that are no longer displayed. I have to spam the loading of the same save several times to have the correct scene memorized.

    In addition, there are many times after this manipulation, the game crashes (black or frozen screen).

    This bug is also the same when I exit and restart the project window.

    Do you have any ideas ?

    Thank you very much for your feedback.

  • Hello everyone,

    I have a problem with uploading my c3p files to the cloud.

    I get the following error all the time when doing F12.

    Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/1jSRUHD5ug6rPHwvMeJYkjn9rsXi9v3mY?alt=media' from origin 'https://editor.construct.net' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

     "error": {
     "errors": [
     "domain": "usageLimits",
     "reason": "dailyLimitExceededUnreg",
     "message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup.",
     "extendedHelp": "https://code.google.com/apis/console"
     "code": 403,
     "message": "Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."

    For information :

    - files open fine locally

    - I tested a backup from before the bug, it does not open in the cloud either

    Have you a solution for this ?


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  • Yes !

    I have already prepared the fireflies: p


  • Whaow ! Thx you very much !

    It can end up looking good for little effort.

    I will do some tests tonight after my day of work with your two solutions!

    Thanks again dop2000 and InDWrekt !

  • Hello everybody,

    I looked for solutions to make a night mode for my game. I found several which only provide part of the solutions.

    First of all, I try to use the "ReplaceColor" function because I have a color palette and replacing the color would allow me to have complete control of my rendering.

    1) make an effect mask on the layout. Unfortunately the UI is also caught in it.

    2) make an effect mask layer just before the UI. The problem is that the ReplaceColor does not work with this method (therefore impossible to have an accurate rendering).

    So I am stuck today. The only solution I see for the moment is to duplicate the sprites to have a night sprite and a day sprite (or use the animation function with a night animation and a day animation).

    Anyone have any idea how to avoid the above solution?

    Below are some examples to illustrate my point

    Thx in advance.




  • It works !

    For the moment it will do the job :)

    Thx !

  • Hello,

    I'm currently blocking on the "touch" command.

    I explain my problem with an example.

    When I touch the orange square, a red square and a blue square appear.

    When I touch the blue square, a blue circle appears. When I touch the red square, a red circle appears.

    My problem is this: when I touch the orange square (at the beginning of the scene), and the position where a square (blue or red) appears, a circle appears.

    This means that in one touch, he does 2 actions of "touch".

    I would like an action to be part of an action.

    Can you help me ?

    Thank you !

  • Hi,

    I tried that.

    However, I still block.

    I identified variable 1 as a duel and variable 0 (initial) out of combat.

    Then I said:

    - when overlapping between a knight and a monster, the variable goes to 1. I also indicate that the knight and the monster must be in state 0 for this event to occur.

    - variable 1 activates, I say that the two entities must stop and attack.

    It works in part.

    However, the victors of the fights do not return the state 0 and therefore no longer move, it remains frozen.

    I can not resume the loop, even indicating that in state 0 and each tick, it must resume movement.

    Another small thing, the entities that participated in a duel, no longer participates in any other duel (as it did not return to state 0 to resume the loop).

    I do not think it has to be complicated, but I tear my head off.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Hi plinkie !

    Thx for your answer. I will try this tonight :)

    I'll tell you if it worked