PixelRebirth's Forum Posts

  • It changes quickly between walking and falling animations because on some of the frames of the walking animation you have a bit of transparent space below your sprite (namely frame 2 and 5). Since you're using the sprite itself for the collision with per pixel mode, it briefly starts to fall on these frames. Change the collision mode to bounding box for a quick test and you'll notice that the glitch is gone.

    I suggest you use a box shaped dummy sprite for the actual movement/collisions and just place the animated sprite on top of that. Or you could try the collision mask feature, but in my opinion the dummy method is still handier, especially for beginners.

  • I've spent too long tying to figure this out. Why wont the light follow the mouse, I've copied the example exactly (right down to capitolization and spacing). How can I make this follow the mouse? Or attach it to an image point on an object?

    You basically have the right events. But your dividing by Sprite.Width and Height, yet your sprite is larger than the window. Divide by DisplayWidth and DisplayHeight instead or resize your sprite to fit the window.

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  • That was actually one of the things I looked at already. I've checked, and my text is within the rectangle in the layout view. It's still not showing up.

    Well in the cap you provided the text is sitting somewhere near the sprite. You said you did already put it up there? Up there like that:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2306601/textup.png">

    Then it should appear. Which version of Construct are you using presently?

  • I think understand what's happening. Basically you divide the rule string using $ as the delimiter and then loop through each snippet comparing it to the first same number of letters in the input string and then you delete the length of the snippet plus one character, the delimiter, from the input string.

    Couldn't have said it better myself!

    Thanks for the help and thanks for the warm welcome

    My pleasure!

  • Quazi and Davio basically already provided the solution to your problem. Also you might want have a look here: http://www.scirra.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4916


    To be clear: when you start out in the layout editor, there's one outlined rectangle which represents your game's window/resolution. So place all the stuff on a Scroll Rate 0% layer inside this rectangle in order for it to appear on the screen. It doesn't matter that your game is actually starting all the way down in the layout.

  • I don't think there's a buildin way to do what you requested. But by using some of the text expressions you could invent your own method to achieve this with events.

    I cooked up an example for you:


    Enter the string you want tested in the editbox and click on the compare button. It will return either true or false. The text object named "Rule" holds your compare string with the wildcard characters (I used "$" as a wildcard). I'm sure this isn't the most elegant way to do this, but it appears to work fine.

    I'm using a loop and some expressions. Seeing that this is your first post, I hope you can make sense of it all. You can always look up stuff on the Construct wiki.

    And welcome to the community! Great avatar you have there...

  • Hehe, i know that

    My question was about locking layers from event sheet editor (as an action).

    Locking layers is relevant for editing the layout in Construct. Whether a layer is hidden or locked makes no difference for the runtime. So of course there's no action for it.

    What exactly are you trying to achieve? Maybe we could help out with more information at hand.

  • Sounds like a classic job for the timeline object.

  • What newt said. And to give you a little rough example that works with shapes like you wanted:

    Slider Fun

    This file needs at least Construct version 0.99.7

    Tracks can be horizontal or vertical which is indicated by a private variable 'orientation' which you have to set accordingly to "ver" or "hor". Also the sliders have a PV which indicates if they're being used atm. The events should explain themselves for the most part (I hope). If anything remains unclear feel free to ask.

    Oh and welcome to the community Fade!

  • I was looking at the Hash table and a little confused how it works. I have done them with code but this looks a little different.

    Well as the object description states: "Stores values under named keys." There's not much more to it really.

    David gives a pretty good practical example here:


  • At long last, sprite-based text is finally here! 100% through events.

    Actually it has been done before. Quite some time ago:


    I was a bit surprised that although it's more than a year old by now, it still seems to work with recent Construct versions.

  • Kind of, there is the "every x miliseconds" object. Using it you can make something wait.

    I will give an example with psuedo code.

    Player presses "Space"

    Player.value('iswaiting') == 1

    if player.value('iswaiting') == 1

    Every 100 miliseconds

    player.value('waittime') + 1

    If player.value('waittime') == 10

    player.value('iswaiting') ==0

    player.value('waittime') == 0

    perform wanted action

    Basically, there are two variables. The one that tells the game if the event needs to wait, and the one that tells how long it needs to wait. Every amount of time tell the game to add one to the waiting time variable, when it equals lets say... ten, that is 10x. If x=100 then that is 1000 miliseconds you have waited, or one second. That is the only way I know how to do it however. I hope this helps.

    Instead of doing all that, why not just call a function after delay? You know the Function object?

    Function object on the wiki

    thanks, that may help as long as wait object is improved

    I'd suggest you just use the most recent version of Construct. It doesn't make much of a difference if it's marked stable or not. Version 0.99.84 is being used by many people here on the forum and it shouldn't be considered less stable than 0.99.62. Don't get too hung up on formalities.

  • The first proper Construct online game ever?!! Pretty big deal! Thanks for that scidave!

    I just hope it's not too hard to incorporate the Python code for this. Looking forward to your tutorial!

  • I find in this forum how to make a progress bar (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4893&p=38880&hilit=health+bar#p38880), how to make a timer (using the behaviour timer), but i don't know how to link this two things together.

    I don't think it's possible directly through the timer behavior, since it's missing an expression to retrieve the timer progress. The Timeline object should be good for this, as there is an expression just for that. And I would link you to an example cap too, but when I just tested it the timeline progress would always return 0. So that appears broken to me right now.

    You could still get the same effect with variables or by manipulating the width of the progress bar directly or even by using the system timer expression. For example if you always subtracted 10% of the max width of the bar and multiplied that by timedelta (obj.width + X * Timedelta), it would take exactly 10 seconds for that bar to reach 0. And would therefore be like using a 10 second timer to decrease the width.

  • I just started this today so I don't have a lot done yet, but I wanted to thank PixelRebirth for the catapult example .cap that he posted a few weeks ago.

    I wasn't sure what I was doing wrong with "hinge" but after seeing your .cap I was able to fix the problem. Thanks!

    I'm just using placeholders for now until I get more of the engine finished, but if you've ever played "Kitten Cannon" then this should be familiar. The goal of the game is to get your projectile to go as far as it can.

    I only have trampolines added so far but there will be several other objects that either help or hinder your efforts to get the best distance. These objects will be randomly generated (once I've gotten that far), so every time you launch it will be a bit different.

    (p.s. you can launch the projectile in the air a little bit and then hit it with the catapult, almost like hitting a baseball with a bat... sometimes it gets better distance than just launching far, sometimes not)

    Sounds like a nice minigame concept to me. Once you got rid of the placeholders and added a few features this could be worthwhile playing. Looking foward to your further progress!