PixelRebirth's Forum Posts

  • I already created a memory game and it isn't particularly complicated to achieve this. You could just have all your card images as frames of a single sprite. Then compare those frames. That's like the basic principle.

    I'd share my cap but it's using family photos as card images. I would have to edit those out before I put it on the internet. Which I can't do right now. But it's easy enough to figure this out by yourself (hopefully).

  • > does construct support midis?


    No, I don't think any of the plugins do directly. You could either use Python or write a plugin for it.

    I'm a little baffled by that statement. Of course Construct does support midis. Just use Xaudio to play midi files.

  • 6Fix beat me to it.

    Still here is my example anyway, since it's slightly different using PVs to place instances of the same sprite on the appropriate image points.


  • PixelRebirth I have a fun idea for your puzzle tutorial into a game.

    Premise: You are a molecular engineer at a power plant. By manipulating like subatomic particles you create power, but at a costs. Every time you move a particle it costs energy. So how long can you keep your power station operational?


    Moving a particle costs energy

    3 or more particles in a row create energy (bonus for 4+)

    If you run out of energy you lose

    High score board for total energy created

    Anyone else with ideas? Specials? Bad particles? Time attacks?

    That actually sounds like a cool concept for a match3 puzzler. Why not go for it Guyon? I'd be looking forward to what you can come up with!

    Oh and well, there could be particles that match with any color when switched, but cost a hell of a lot more. Or the usual stuff that destroys any with the same color it was switched with... heh, can't rly come up with something original can I?

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  • Looks like fun indeed!

    Out of curiosity: are you using your own engine for this or is it by any chance adapted from my tutorial caps? I'm always interested in different approachs to things.

    And yeah, how about something playable?

  • This app isn't a bad idea at all!

    It might be grat if there was some kind of official depository where people could submit there plugins..then the whole thing could be automated.

    I agree that it should be automated. What you could already easily do is let the program scan the completed addons forum and add those automatically to the list. Just look into the internet objects.

    EDIT: Oh, and why not include custom effects as well in this?

  • I just bump this because I finally came around and adjusted this to work with recent Construct versions. Actually there was just one single event to be slightly changed. I somehow imagined it to be a lot harder, which is mostly why I didn't attempt it before.

    So you can go ahead and try this again. I still consider to add the events to disable swaps that don't result in a match. Or keep it as it is for some of you as a learning experience. It's just a few more events at the right places.

    Why isn't this on the wiki tutorials? Lots of nice concepts and ideas here.

    Thx for adding this to the wiki btw!

  • Looking at the TOC this book appears to be tailored for absolute beginners (of course). Although it seems to cover some more advanced issues. Interesting. I'm especially curious about these two paragraphs:



  • Let's not go overboard here and start pointless flaming.

    Personally I'm glad for vdrake75 and xzalion that they are such good friends and they're even making games together. I applaud that. All the best luck for you and your projects. Seriously.

    What I personally don't get is the attitude. You guys being pretty new to this community. You may be getting negative criticism and maybe one comment short of being polite. But that's no reason to generalize the matter and talk about "Bad People on Construct". Come on. Your skin is really that thin?

    And I may say it again: good luck with becoming the next Carmack and all. But there's no path worth beating where you'll get your *** kissed all the time. So be prepared for that...

  • Good work on that site so far Maciej!

    But shouldn't you give it a different title? Like it's designed now simply saying "scirra" at the top makes it look like it was part of or at least directly affiliated with scirra.com.

  • It would help a lot if you included an example cap of the problem at hand. Without it people trying to help would have to recreate the situation themselves. And then maybe due to different approaches / events they wouldn't even run into the same problem. If you shared a cap, I would be happy to look into it.

    Also: which version of Construct are you using?

  • Maybe there's still something else interfering with the animations. It would sure help a lot if you shared the cap.

    Other than that there's a pretty easy way to use animations with a dummy sprite. Just give your Dummy (the placeholder) all the animations of your actual character sprite - or rather those that can be tagged. For all those animations use one and the same frame, so the placeholder won't actually change shape or appearance.

    So you'd have animations like Walking, Jumping etc. on your dummy and your character sprites. The exact same animation names. Now add the proper tags to the animations of the dummy, which is the object which actually has Platform Behavior. If you don't know about tags they can be set to the left in the properties bar when you click on an animation name. So your jumping animation gets the tag Jumping of course and so on...

    Now all you need to do is set the animation of your character to the animation name (sprite.animname) of your dummy in an always event. You can see a setup like this here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2306601/tut02.rar

    Sorry for the german names in the cap, but it's part of a german construct beginner's tutorial I made a while ago.

  • Very nice little game! Didn't manage to get more than 31 right so far (with 0 wrong of course). Don't think i can push it much more though...

  • That game looks excellent in motion Minor. Give us something playable already!

    The following is a video of something I'm NOT working on anymore, but I guess it's still worth mentioning:

  • That looks very charming Minor!