PixelRebirth's Forum Posts

  • So awesome once again Arsonide! Data Structures plugin will prove incredibly useful! My head is already spinning with ideas.

  • Okay, I decided to make this into another blog post. This one was particularly exhausting, I didn't realize there was so much to explain, haha.

    We Construct Blog - Forum rescue #004: Bitmap font damage

    I hope you'll be able to grasp the concept from this (cap files are included).

  • Actually, I don't get it . It looks complicated... Can you make a cap file with using my bitmap font please ? The MAX Damage is 999999 (6 digits).

    No worries, I'll make an example cap for you. Just be a little patient, this weekend seems to be a bit busy.

  • So your main problem is how to use your bitmap font in the game to display the actual damage? I suppose you might have heard of the SpriteFont plugin, which does a good job in many cases, but it sometimes also does crash I'm afraid.

    I would suggest you do it simply with events. Using some text expressions and a comparison string it's not that hard to get a custom bitmap font working (check this older thread).

    When you are dealing only with numbers, you could do it even simpler. Just iterate over the individual characters, and spawn the number sprite on the respective frame.

    Like that for example: DMG 135, taken apart to 1, 3, 5. Now you could just create three instances of the number sprite in order. One on frame 2, the second on frame 4 and the third on frame 6. Assuming you have your frames in order 0, 1, 2, 3, 4... which you should have of course. You have to add +1 cause frames aren't 0-based and start with the first frame on 1.

    I realize this probably sounds terribly theoretical. If needed I will cook up a proper example of what I mean when I have time later.

  • I made a tutorial-like blog post providing an example on how to create such "nests":

    We Construct Blog - Forum rescue #003: Respawn an enemy

    Hope that is helpful!

  • Why is there the restriction of having to use one layout only in the first place? I don't think anything is gained by this limitation.

    That said, I like the general idea of the competition. Like others I'm a bit on the fence with having to provide the source though.

  • Nice to see the few issues with r1 being fixed so fast. Thx guys!

  • I tired it and I really don't like it. I tired Door.Y-0.25*timedelta and it move super slow, like 0.25 every second. I had to do like Door.Y-100*timedelta. I'm not use to using big numbers. I really know nothing about timedelta because I never used it.

    0.25*Timedelta means it moves 0.25 pixels every second. Yes, that would be quite slow. And 100*Timedelta means that the object would move 100 pixels per second on that speed. It's just a matter of thinking in pixels per second when it comes to movement speed I guess.

    There's also a nice little example on the We Construct blog, which deals with TimeDelta to create a custom timer. Maybe that will help you understand. Also it's never the wrong idea to revisit the wiki article.

  • A few things in your cap seem a little long-winded. It's best in my opinion to use the function object, define clear functions like "Open Door" and call them passing the according parameters. That way you'll end up with a very clean setup.

    To fix your cap quickly, you could just merge events 2 and 3 of the gimmicks sheet into one event that makes more sense. Basically it would look like this:

    <img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2306601/switchy.png">

    Now there shouldn't be any more picking confusion and the right doors will open.

    Other than that I noticed you move your doors by simply adding +X to the position, without applying Timedelta. This will result in different door opening speed on different systems. You don't want that.

    Also instead of comparing the animation frame paired with a trigger once condition, you could just use the "On any animation finished" condition. In theory it's better in case there are multiple doors on the same frame at the same time. Don't forget to uncheck the loop property of the animations for this to work.

    A word of advice on a different matter: if you want people to look into your cap, try to get rid of custom plugins/effects if they're not necessary for the problem at hand. Or at the very least mention and link the custom plugins needed to open your cap.

  • I hate to bring it up again, but your best bet for a fully featured inventory system would be to use the S(uperstructure) plugin. Might be a hassle to learn at first, but it surely pays off in the long run.

    Also this older answer to a similar thread has links to several different inventory examples:


  • I think there are 3 methods commonly used: zoom, resize window and resize your graphics.

    The first method is the best in my opinion (described here), since you have to do nothing else than apply a few Start of layout events. Also it looks right on every machine, while resizing the window with the window object may cause blurriness due to filtering.

    That being said, I'm having a bit of trouble to understand the following:

    with the resolution set and also when zoomed in, no objects are "snapping to" the other pixels the way they should-- they just behave like they are objects that aren't only a couple pixels wide...

    Could you elaborate / show a screenshot of what you mean? I do take it you have your sampling setting set to point in the properties? Default linear setting makes pixelart blurry.

  • Also, starting conspiracies already is a little bit ignorant.

    I don't see anything ignorant about considering the possibility of the truth not being congruent with the official story.

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  • Except this really won't help him all that much. If he wanted more of a boost from it, he would save it for the actual election year.

    Why wouldn't it help Obama's cause? It helps immensly, his approval rating will go up significantly. Obama kicked off his re-election campaign just in April(link), so the timing is very good in my opinion.

  • > guys osama was killed years ago, the only reason why they say it now is because they want to win another mandate for obama, afcourse cutting the trump show with "breaking news for the president"


    > well its not going to work, if you americans elect obama again, then you KINDA deserve your crysis



    I'm KINDA glad you're not a US citizen because this post is ridiculous from beginning to end.

    That actually makes a lot of sense, which is why it's probably true. Also a lot of this is being covered on the internet right now, of course not by the mainstream media, which covers hardly anything of any real informative value.

    A lot about it is fishy. I mean they supposedly finally catch and kill the guy, but they just dump him into the sea and spread a fake photoshopped picture of his corpse...

    Also this piece of news from a few years ago comes to mind: http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/en/doc/2003-12/18/content_291414.htm


    I think they had him or knew where he was all the time, since they're essentially working together. Whether he's really dead or not at this time isn't really important. They just chose to announce his death at this time to give Obama a good chance of re-election, despite him being a fraud.

    I don't see what's ridiculous about such assumptions. It would be ridiculous not to question what is being spoonfed to you by the officials.

  • I was rofl when i saw the picture of dead bin laden , he has an expession on his face like WTF!!

    Isn't it confirmed that the picture floating around the internet is a fake?!!

    Who cares? I would assume the families of 911 victims care, and most of the people who have family fighting in one of the 80 wars going on loosely related to 911.

    I bet they do. Although they shoudln't. They (allegedly) killed the 911-scapegoat and they had a nice timing in doing so. What else is new?