PixelRebirth's Forum Posts

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    > > lwgames

    > >

    > > You are seriously doing something wrong if you cannot get a flappy clone to work great on mobiles.

    > >

    > > Took me 4 hrs to do a flappy clone with my own art: https://play.google.com/store/search?q= ... apps&hl=en

    > >

    > >


    > These games are all using CocoonJS, which is currently the only way to get good performance on mobile devices in many cases. But of course CocoonJS is coming with its own bag of problems. That's probably why Scirra is promoting the use of Crosswalk, which doesn't do anything to speed up HTML5 games compared to just using the mobile Chrome browser. Which may be relatively fast, but can in no way rival the real thing. So I think it's fair to say that there is indeed still a general performance problem with HTML5.


    Actually, my most complex game is done with Crosswalk via Intel XDK, because CocoonJS falls on its face with big games with lots of assets (450MB loaded into memory!!)

    <== flawless on older phones with a 1ghz dual-core and 512mb ram.

    Crosswalk actually runs smoother/faster than CJS as it is, the only downside is its lack of Ad/IAP support, but its a temporary downside from what is saying.

    Yes, we have lots of room for improvements but as it is, you can create great games with the functional parts. Will you be able to make whatever you want run great on mobiles? Heck no. Figure out what works and what doesn't and optimize.

    Sorry, but in my experience it's simply not true that Crosswalk runs faster than CocoonJS. Crosswalk does simply perform like the mobile Chrome browser would, while CJS is accelerated and can actually reach native-like performance in otherwise hopeless cases.

    Your game may work good with Crosswalk, but it's also not crucial for that type of game to have smooth 60 fps or anything close to that. Don't get me wrong, I do like Crosswalk, but I also like to stay realistic about the way it performs currently.

  • lwgames

    You are seriously doing something wrong if you cannot get a flappy clone to work great on mobiles.

    Took me 4 hrs to do a flappy clone with my own art: https://play.google.com/store/search?q= ... apps&hl=en

    These games are all using CocoonJS, which is currently the only way to get good performance on mobile devices in many cases. But of course CocoonJS is coming with its own bag of problems. That's probably why Scirra is promoting the use of Crosswalk, which doesn't do anything to speed up HTML5 games compared to just using the mobile Chrome browser. Which may be relatively fast, but can in no way rival the real thing. So I think it's fair to say that there is indeed still a general performance problem with HTML5.

  • It's seem many developers are getting the same problem at their games. My deadline to provide the completed games is coming day by day. Another chance is going to the hell :s

    [quote:25rmgi61]Btw, anyone here passed the QA test? I received the 2nd Report with some problems when running on Samsung devices and iPhone 5 7.0.2 >_>


    I doubt you will get into real trouble even past the deadline as long as you're actively trying to resolve the issues raised by QA.

    I need to tell you guys that I currently do not recommend using my plugin. Alone this week there have been at least three updates to the API. Some things in the plugin are deprecated and newer methods aren't in there yet.

    I tried to keep up and used an adjusted version to submit my game again today along with a message for the QA department. However my contact at Spilgames appears to be on vacation, so I hope the forwarding and all goes well and I get a response soon.

  • Iris I hardcoded the logo and passed QA, but that was 2 months ago so their guidelines have changed.

    Yeah, you are definitely not allowed to hardcode the logo anymore.

    Also the API is changing constantly. Third time I see significant changes in how the branding works when checking the online documentation. There are new methods now which aren't in the plugin yet and it's generally becoming a little more complex.

    A little frustrating to be honest when you earlier relied on the pdf documentation they provided when signing with them, then you don't pass their QA because they keep changing the API...

  • Just updated the plugin to version 1.1 (see changelog above), which will likely be the final version. Please download it again to avoid possible issues with the minfier. Thanks!

  • I think I am german. There are some others around as well.

  • Iris After you used the "Get logo"-action of the plugin, you can return the image data from the various expression of the plugin.

    The "Load image from URL"-action of the sprite object can then load the image if you put the "BrandingImage" expression of the plugin there.

    Note that the image won't actually change testing it locally or in their tester, because of the Same-origin policy. Meaning it will only work when the game is actually on the servers of Spilgames.

    However you can observe for yourself that the "Get logo"-action does work and the expressions return the proper data. Just log the expressions to the console or have them display in a text object to check.

  • PixelRebirth

    if change attitude from "I can wait for PlayStation 5, in mean time I will make my serious RPG game" into "I want to make good app, release it without problems and make money on it NOW" will have impact on Construct 2,

    then I think that's good news

    I don't know where you get the PS5 stuff from, sure sounds a bit condescending to me.

    Anyway, I wasn't really judging in terms of good or bad either, I was rather pointing out that this shift in the community probably keeps regular users, who have been around a long time and therefore have the biggest experience, from replying to help threads as often as they used to.

    I myself have been around since ~2008 and there used to be a different vibe. Don't get me wrong, I'm also trying to monetize my games lately. That doesn't mean the focus of game development should be solely profit-oriented, with total disregard for the game itself. At least that's how I... roll?

  • I also think at least 50% of help threads are unnecessary. The answer can be found in the manual, examples or already exisiting threads. But this inevitably comes with the growth of the community.

    And I do agree with Tulamide. The environment changed and is much more about making money than simply about making good games. So the "we"-feeling got replaced by a profit attitude, which isn't likely to inspire many of the people who have been around since the beginnings of Construct Classic to lend a helping hand.

  • > I've just downloaded last release but I can't find the "Hide address bar" option. Will it be back in next release?

    > Thank you for your answer.


    I think one recent release included it by default, instead of an option

    Appears to be the case since R161:

    [quote:3ebypxqp]iPhone iOS 6 will now try to hide the address bar again. It is enabled by default and there is no new project property for it. This was previously removed since iOS 7 came out which does not support the feature, but due to strong demand we have re-implemented it.

  • I can absolutely understand the position of Scirra and I do believe it is conceivable that HTML5-driven interactive content will be the golden solution for every platform in the future. HTML5 already came a long way in the last few years and is a very viable replacement for native on desktop.

    That being said, an outlook to the future cannot solve current problems. So I can also understand the frustration some users may have realizing they cannot deploy on mobile platforms with acceptable performance or run into other problems (audio...).

    Admittedly I see myself somewhere in between. I can mostly achieve what I want with Construct 2 in it's present state and don't necessarily feel held back by the lack of a native mobile exporter or mature wrapping solutions. That doesn't mean I wouldn't welcome such a feature.

    That's why I was hoping Scirra would be doing something about improving the exporting options for mobiles when they hired new people. Sort of a middle ground to make everyone happy. Then again if Scirra commits all resources sticking to their guns, good things are bound to happen...

    For now I would bet on the collaboration with Intel (Crosswalk), which seems like the most promising wrapping solution. It just needs to move at a faster pace than CocoonJS ever did.

    Other parties making custom compilers could also play a role. I'm certainly curious about what tomsstudio can come up with.

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  • And C2 doesn't need its own native HTML5 -> Android exporter, because the ones available have massive teams behind it pushing through updates and improving it all the time, even if Scirra tried, I do not think they can match the international effort being Crosswalk or Intel XDK. In another few months when they add AdMob and Google Store support, it'll be perfect.

    Highly debatable. C2 certainly would profit immensly from having better exporting options for mobile devices. You do have a point and I think Scirra needs to expand (hire people), which I believe they plan to do on a small scale. They probably shouldn't work on their own HTML5 wrapper, but rather provide actual native exporters.

    Other development tools are often preferred over Construct 2 solely because they do in fact have native exporters available. Even if they usually come at additional cost. It just makes for a perfectly streamlined development pipeline and you do not have to rely on any other parties anymore.

    C2 is a great engine, but its still limited by your own talent pool.

    A statement as true as ever, but in this context it almost seems like you are implying that other users are only having problems because they do lack talent.

    I disagree with everything OP has raised and not because I am a fanboy, but because of my own experience.

    C2 has worked as advertise. An easy to use tool but hard to master, like most things in life. My first game is a MASSIVE EPIC. It was grand in scope and guess what? It runs great on mobiles thanks to Intel XDK/Crosswalk.

    I certainly don't agree with everything that was raised in this thread. And I'm glad to hear that your personal experience with C2 has been this positive. My own experience is also far more positive than negative.

    That doesn't mean anyone should dismiss concerns raised by others with a different experience. Especially if the main aim is improving Construct 2 by constructive criticism, which I believe this thread is still about. Yes, the tone has been a bit "ranty" here and there, but it is the internet after all.

  • Interesting discussion that has been going on here.

    I think it becomes a bit muddled when we talk about exporters. Construct 2 has just one exporter, which is HTML5. Then it has different ways to export that. With third parties providing ways to wrap it to appear native-like (mostly slapping a standalone browser engine on it as far as I understand).

    Now new native exporters would require reworking all plugins, behaviors and... stuff.

    If I understand correctly that is kind of what tomsstudio is doing at the moment, which seems to have a lot of potential.

    At the very least Scirra should provide reliable wrapping solutions. The closest thing would be Node Webkit, but yes, that's obviously not for mobiles.

    If my memory doesn't betray me, there was talk about Scirra hiring additional manpower in 2014. This could enable them to work on extending the exporting options or even actual native exporters, while the regular feature progression of C2 didn't need to suffer.

    In any case I do believe we have a piece of development software with a great concept, potentially enabling anyone to create the game he wants to create. I say potentially because C2 isn't a toy, it's still serious software which you will have to learn. It's just much less of a hassle to do so.

    So yes, I generally agree. It is also my opinion that the current focus of Scirra should be on providing reliable exporting solutions for mobile platforms.

  • Sure, by much worse I mean that with integer scale the game screen looks much smaller that with scale outer, so the pixel art looses even more pixels in my mobile phone.

    I see, I'm going to investigate about that, thanks for the ideas.

    I see. Well, you said your phone has a resolution of 800*480, while your game is designed at 480*320.

    This means your mobile screen cannot fit a scale of 2 for your game, since that would require 960*640 or higher. So your game would stay at a scale of 1 using integer scale I believe. Which would look rather small indeed on a 800*480 screen.

    In this case you could still use a scale of 2, but make the level area scrollable, so it can actually all be seen by the player. The other options really only are to have it rest at regular scale, resulting in a game area too small or to use non-integer scaling, which will mess up the pixels.

  • Just tested it with integer scale and the effect is much worse on my mobile phone...

    How do you mean much worse? At least the pixel art itself should look proper. Care to elaborate?

    By manual scaling I was referring to disabling fullscreen and using the ability to change the canvas size and layout scale with events.