pixelcataklysm's Forum Posts

  • Ok problem solved,when objects are in a container they don't need to be spawned, just spawning the 1 object that the other is linked too will create the seconded object.


                 robot on destroyed--wait 2 sec

                                   --create obj:robot on layer x at (x,y)

    the problem is here,I delete it--create obj:health bar on layer x at (x,y)

    please refer to the jpg on the dropbox link at the first post

  • Half of the problem solved!!! I use containers on my sprite but whenever an enemy die, they spawn on (0,0) (its raining robots!)

  • I there, I am stuck in a problem that I cant solve. Whenever my mouse overlap an enemy, it show is health, when enemy is hit the health bar decrase in function of the bullet type and enemy type. But when I overlap the enemy the hp bar goes to an other enemy (same sprite ID). the health bar is not independent to each enemy and the health variables is. for more explanation tell me.

    sorry for my bad english


    AnD4D If you want to help me

  • I there I am stuck...again

    Whenever I tried to test a simple punch on my main character, it doesnot work properly and sometimes its glitching.


    If you have suggestion or tips for the game, tell me. It's still my first arcade game.

  • Woow I did not know that it can be an amazing results and by knowing that now, I added on another events: sustem copare two values: mouse.x > player.x - player set not mirrored/ set families not flipped.

    So I added on the event above system compare two values : mouse.x < player.x - player set mirrored/set flipped. tank again, and sorry for my annoying broken english and note that before each problem that I am stuck, I try to do my best to resolve it before posting a new post. But sometimes, it's getting hard to solved them :S tanks again little stain :P

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  • Is there a way to set sprite character mirrored if the cursor is behind?

    <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • By the way thank to hepl me out with this little problem, Im still learning every day :D

  • Did I have to do an instance variable for the arms with system/trigger once while true?

  • dropbox.com/s/u5p4ruo1njl6oa5/The%20Janitor.capx

    here it is, I notice that the arm actually multiply itself and for the limit angle will be my next homework to study :P

    PS: sorry for my broken english :S still learning ^^

  • IT doesnt work

  • Here is my game:


    I try to do it in the Gunslinger group

  • Hi dear cosntruct 2 users!

    I would like to pin two arms on my main charcater and let them follow the mouse's cusror. In an esy way, how could I do this? And for the capx files, if you need it, please explain me how to publish it XD thanks!

    <img src="smileys/smiley11.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Also I set my controls as WASD for the running jumping and climbing. When I pressed Q its supposed to set another animation for the aimming. I want to control my character while is aimming to. Arms is supposed to follow mouse etc.

  • Hi construct community, I would like some help about my game. I have several problem that I have to fix by myself but one of these is too dam difficult to resolve. My problem is, when I set key 'q' pressed-/-play animation -/-. I want to set this key as an aimming stand. Sorry for my english, it is not my native language for more precision, I'll explain more.

  • Sorry for that, I was tired and I did not know that it can conflict others with my french, anyway in that case it was for me the easiest way to explain my previous prolem. Thanks you all here I solved the problem by my own and by discovering this amazing software. merci!