piszozo's Forum Posts

  • In my opinion you should look for other solutions, don't just stuck to one solution, there may be other ways.

    Reason dropped item changes its position is related to layer change of course.

    I have never use drag-drop feature but, did you try something like these;

    You can try having a global variable for it, like when mouse over item it changes to 1 or when you drag an item it changes to 1 i don't know. And you can drag items only when that variable is 1.

    Just don't change layers it will be a problem, if different layers have different parallax, items will change position whenever they change layer, they even get out of the screen, i suggest you find another solution.

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  • shared on my site!


  • wow it looks great, i am jealous

  • i loved it!

    possible to get capx?

  • Thanks a lot!

  • Only 30 for now, after i see what players think i will add another 30 then another 30 up to 90 if i can. 1 minute limit for each level, you can complete some in 30 secs.

    But all in all 20-30 minutes of gameplay i can say. Easy when you get used to controls

  • At last my new game is ready for action.

    I will release it very soon!

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
  • Anyone interested?

    Just a few rough sketces...

  • Hello

    I have completed my new game, only a few things to fix, remain.

    This is a platformer / jumper, our character tries to reach top of each level passing different kinds of obstacles.

    I am in need of an artist to draw me some sketches.

    I will use these sketches with short story of the game.

    I think i will put about 2-3 sentence on each drawing.

    Dimensions should be 720, 1280

    I am budget minded, so please keep this in mind while you are sending me your pm s

    I will give detailed information if we agree on the price.

  • > Hello


    > i have been thinking about this since i started this project.

    > Can you please take a look at this? Fps looks fine but there are too many collisions.


    > http://i59.tinypic.com/2vmiz4z.png



    > 12161 collisions in total and 248/tick. Isn't that too much or is this just normal?

    > poly checks 504 in total 10/tick


    > and numbers will roughly be doubled when im done with this project.

    > Do i need to worry about this and look for solutions or is that ok? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":|" title="Neutral">


    Difficult to say what is normal, it depends on what content your game holds.

    1 object needing collision detection against another object, will do 60 checks per sec and ~1/tick

    So depending on how many objects and events you have that requires collision checks this number will increase.

    An example:

    1. Your player have path finding and on the screen you have 1 solid object and no events that need to check for collisions. Then you will have a collision check / sec of 0 and ~0/tick

    2. Same as above but this time you have one event that checks for overlaps with the solid object, which would give you a collision check / sec of 60 and ~1/tick

    3. Same as above but now you have 4 solid objects and 3 events that checks for collisions, which gives you 720 collision checks per sec and ~12/tick

    So whether you have to many or not is hard to say, it depend on you having events that are not needed or to many objects on the screen that wouldn't need to be there. however as you can see from the last example, which doesn't really have a lot of collision objects or events the count is already at 720 checks per second. So 12000 checks is not a lot and in above example it can be achieved by increasing the number of solid objects to 20 and the event count to 5 as that would give you 12000 checks as well.

    So if you have some enemies, a player some bullets etc that need collision detection the count will go up rather fast.

    Thanks a lot for answer, game is a jumper platformer, there are 7-9 kinds of obstacles in all levels and only 1 event sheet for all levels <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • That shouldn't be a problem. I got games with even more working fine.

    Read this release note to understand how it works:

    https://www.scirra.com/blog/ashley/6/co ... on-in-r155

    Else you should describe why you need these collisions? Show screenshots of your code or share capx files.

    Always good is to give collision checks an "every 0.5 seconds" instead of "every tick" but that depends on the game if possible. Sometimes you really need per tick. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":-)" title="Smile">

    Thanks a lot, yes i have seen that link, kind of a relief <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Hello

    i have been thinking about this since i started this project.

    Can you please take a look at this? Fps looks fine but there are too many collisions.


    12161 collisions in total and 248/tick. Isn't that too much or is this just normal?

    poly checks 504 in total 10/tick

    and numbers will roughly be doubled when im done with this project.

    Do i need to worry about this and look for solutions or is that ok? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_neutral.gif" alt=":|" title="Neutral">

  • can't wait to go home and try it!

    Worked quite well; unique save to each and every variable, then load all of them seperately.

    Thank you.

  • I don't know what your game is, but I think your game will resume to the last level you played.

    1.) You need a global variable which save the current level. (let's say the name is "CURRENT_LEVEL").

    2.) then, everytime the player complete a level, check whether CURRENT_LEVEL is greater than (your_webstorage_key) or not. If yes, then add 1 to CURRENT_LEVEL, and save it to (your_webstorage_key).

    3.) then, when your game is being opened, set CURRENT_LEVEL to (your_webstorage_key) to resume.

    Sorry for my bad english.

    Thank you, do i need to know about arrays? I think not. I will take a look at this

  • can't wait to go home and try it!