pilpgam's Forum Posts

  • 4. Project Name :AdsTestR111

    run error on android phone

  • 3. Project Name :BlankTestR111

    Run normal on android phone

  • 2. Project Name :AdsTestR120

    run error on android phone

  • 1. Project Name :BlankTestR120

    Run normal on android phone

  • Hi :)

    I dont know and cannot find the "spoiler hidden image" feature on this forum,

    So I will make more than 1 post on top in this thread to describe.

    If forum admin or moderator think this is inappropriate, feel free to delete this.

    I face some weird issue on my project, then I try to figure it out and I found there is some problem with MobileAdvert.

    Anybody meet the same issue like me ?

    How do I fix this ?

    Here is what I test :

    There is 6 project that I made for troubleshoot

    1. Project Name :BlankTestR120

    - Create a new blank project using stable version R120

    - Export to android signed .APK file

    - Install it to android phone

    - I found it need "full network access" like usual

    - After installed, the application run normally

    2. Project Name :AdsTestR120

    - Create a new blank project using stable version R120

    - Add "MobileAdvert" plugins, no event/code at all

    - then Export to android signed .APK file

    - Install it to android phone

    - I found it need "full network access" and "prevent phone from sleeping"

    - After installed, I try to run the application but it fail,

    - it show an error message "Unfortunately,... has stopped"

    3. Project Name :BlankTestR111

    - Create a new blank project using stable version R111

    - Export to android signed .APK file

    - Install it to android phone

    - I found it need "full network access" like usual

    - After installed, the application run normally

    4. Project Name :AdsTestR111

    - Create a new blank project using stable version R111

    - Add "MobileAdvert" plugins, no event/code at all

    - then Export to android signed .APK file

    - Install it to android phone

    - I found it need "full network access" and "prevent phone from sleeping"

    - After installed, I try to run the application but it fail,

    - it show an error message "Unfortunately,... has stopped"

    5. Project Name :testAdvert

    - this is my old testing project with MobileAdvert, using stable version R111 BEFORE R120 release

    - the .APK file also is the old one, which exported using the old stable R111

    - I found it need "full network access" like usual

    - After installed, the application run normally

    6. Project Name :testAdvertReExport

    - I make a copy file of previous testAdvert.c3p (created by the old R111)

    - I open the copy using new R111, rename the project become testAdvertReExport

    - Exporte testAdverReExport using the new stable R111, then Install the new .APK

    - I found it need "full network access" like usual and "prevent phone from sleeping"

    - it show an error message "Unfortunately,... has stopped"

    My Assumption :

    There is an issue about MobileAdvert, because all my new project cannot run,

    but if I remove the MobileAdvert plugins from the project, it become normal, the .APK run well

    Anyone can help me ?

    Thanks in advance.

    Please check picture below :

  • Thanks Pilpgam, was looking for the exact same solution.



    No problem. You are welcome. :)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • pilpgam

    Check out this post, there are a few examples. (they are in C2, but will also work for C3)


    dop2000 Nice.. I check it. Thanks.

    Looks like I should play around in C2 sub thread.

    so far I only look around in C3 thread, because I use C3 and I am new in this forum..

    Also thanks Maverick1912 for the thread reference.

    I will check it for sure..

    Thankyou guys..

  • Have variable objCount

    On Object Created -> Set objCount to Object.Count


    On Object Destroyed -> Set objCount to Object.Count

    Then you can compare it when you need.

    Maverick1912 awesome ! that "[dot]Count" thing really works.

    Thank you so much

  • I find this is very interesting topic :)

    Well.. there is a super nice game "Airscape : The Fall of Gravity" which made from Construct 2, the "curved surface" also can be found there, and I think it is similar to Alto's surface..

    Make a solid surface in typical/basic platformer game is easy using Construct, but I stil cannot figure it out how to make a solid "curved surface",

    I have no idea how to define the collision polygon perfectly to look like curve since there is warning not to make more than 8 collision point,

    make the player character move smoothly on curved surface could be challenging too

    I also curious about how to make the hole on terrain which caused by projectile shoot..

  • Hi :)

    Lets say the gameplay is "touch and destroy", so

    1. the game generate/spawn object periodically, and the spawn time increased

    2. Player touch the object to add score

    3. The object destroy after touch

    4. If there is too much object on screen (in certain quantity), it will subtract player life.

    I am looking for the event/condition to count the quantity of the object..

    So far, I am thinking to create a variable as counter,

    everytime spawn object will Add value 1 to that variable,

    and every time touch tap object event to destroy object will substract value 1 to that variable.

    Then system every tick, check the variable if reach certain amount, then subtract player life

    or there is any other way to implement this ? if possible, I want to avoid using "Every tick"..

    Thanks in advance :)

  • Hi :) I think your thread title a little bit missleading

    From what I see in your picture in this thread..

    Maybe you need to design all the layout area, not only defined in viewport area..

    since your layout is larger than your viewport,

    OR you can change the viewport size suit to layout size, or otherwise

    Also you dont provide more information such as the player type, so I assume it is a Platformer as example.

    Do you tried add the "Scroll to" behavior in your player character ?

  • Hi :)

    May be you can try every 1 sec create an object, also add value 1 to a variable

    If you need to stop after 20 sec, then check that variable value, stop the routine if reached or equal to your max sec eg.20 which you defined on another variable.

    Well... i think there is many other way.. using Timer maybe ?

  • Hi :)

    I hope this can help you a lil bit to solve your problem.

    here is what I will do for the case:

  • Hi,

    Maybe you can check "Vertical Space Shooter" template.

    Change the constanta and all the need to suit your project

    I hope you can find the answer. Good luck :)

  • Could you try to make a new blank project and add the mobile advert plugins, using the same way you add mobile advert plugins in your origin project..

    Is it show the same black screen ?

    or could you provide a lil bit more information ? maybe screenshot piece of your event/code which related to mobile advert ?

    If there is nothing in your event sheet, could you screen shot your Mobile Advert's Properties panel after add it in the blank project ?

    What version of Construct 3 that you use to create that mobile advert ?

    what is your browser ?

    Maybe.. try clear all your browser cookies, and reload a fresh Construct 3 editor ?

    I just use mobile advert in my project, and it look normal.
